The Perfect Amalthea!!!

STUDIOS TAKE NOTICE!!! There is an actress named [url=]Joanne Froggatt[/url] who plays Kate in Season 3 of the BBC Robin Hood series and she would make the perfect Amalthea in a live action Last Unicorn! She not only has the perfect look of a unicorn turned human, but her voice so very closely resembles that of Mia Farrow's in the animated version, which has a bit of neigh to it.

Strange that I say this, since her character annoyed me when she first appeared on the third season of Robin Hood (due to my loyalty to Marian). It wasn't until her voice clicked in my mind that I couldn't stop thinking of her as the perfect Amalthea. She was born for the part!!!

I couldn't find a great video clip to illustrate my point, but here is a vid with some dialogue starting at the 2:45 mark.

Here is a picture: bbc-image-4-364902900.jpg


She's not pretty enough. There's nothing 'magical' or 'royal' about her looks. No, certainly not.


Well, in all fairness she is supposed to be a peasant in this show, but I think with a bit of Hollywood magic they could make her fit the part.


Actually, the movie is an interpretation of the book, which makes Amalthea the most beautiful woman anyone has ever seen.


I believe you may have misunderstood, I was referring to Robin Hood. She plays the part of a peasant girl in Robin Hood, which accounts for her shabby looks. Hollywood has a way of bringing out people's best features and with a little effort I believe she could fit the part of Amalthea.


I'd like to suggest Amanda Seyfriend. Even if not specifically her I feel like she has the right kind of look, whoever played it would have to be beautiful but also, in my opinion, look a little unhumanlike. ha that makes it sound like a really bad thing, i just mean you know, look kind of elfen. i'm really bad at explaining this!

just cos iv only got one leg, doesnt mean im only half a person


I think Amanda Seyfried is good. She has a different look to her. Also Evanna Lynch (the girl who plays Luna Lovegood in the HP movies) or Bryce Dallas Howard.


Evanna Lynch could be great. Good suggestion! Since we're going down the Harry Potter road, I'd suggest Clémence Poésy. She played Fleur in 'the Goblet of Fire'. She seems very delicate, but mature enough to make a nice Amalthea.

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


I'd suggest Mia Wasikowska ( who played Alice in the latest version (2010) of Alice In Wonderland. I took one look at her and knew she'd be perfect for the part.


Evanna Lynch would be great.

But I disagree with the Clémence Poésy suggestion. She's an okay actress, but in terms of looks I always found her underwhelming compared to how attractive the character is supposed to be according to the book. I'd feel the same way about her playing Amalthea, yet more so.



My suggestion would be Lily Cole obviously they'd have to do some hollywood magic to that lovely hair of hers...

here's a pic of her blond:

I also think that since she has wide-set eyes, she has that 'otherworldly' quality, and she's tall and thin, which i remember Lady Amalthea being...

I don't know, just my opinion


Here's a thought: Saoirse Ronan. She has the right look and right voice for the character. And on top of that she is a pretty good actress capable of playing any type of character whether conniving or innocent.



Saoirse Ronan is the best choice yet, followed by Evanna Lynch and Mia Wasikowska. And interestingly Saoirse Ronan, Evanna Lynch and Mia Farrow are all Irish (though Farrow is Irish-American).

If you are sick of the ''I love Jesus 100% signature'', copy and paste this into your profile!


Emilia Clarke's character in Game of Thrones reminded me of Amalthea--also Alexis Bleidel (those eyes!)


She was the first person I thought of. Most of the suggestions were good, but I just love Saoirse even though I can't pronounce her name.


The actresses mentioned aren't even the least bit close to Lady Amalthea's beauty.
There is not a woman alive or dead who is beautiful enough to play Lady Amalthea. As such they should just leave it as an animated movie. Besides I couldn't picture anyone other than Mia Farrow doing Amalthea's voice.

Satan is my Lord and Master.


My vote is for Imogen Poots I think she could pull off the role of Amalthea.


I agree about Bryce Dallas Howard and Mia Wasikowska being good choices. I'd also suggest Sara Paxton and Scarlett Johansson (and if we could age-reverse her to how she was in "Splash," Daryl Hannah).


Whomever they pick, she better be as graceful as gazelle & delicately, translucently beautiful I can't even put it into words how she must be or look. The IDW graphic novel gives me an idea of how she should look but I have no idea if anyone can pull it off....


How about Jennifer Ellison? She was Meg in the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie.
It's kinda hard to find nice pics of her online, but she looks good with blonde hair, and has youthful face I'd imagine for lady amalthea.
Or Christina Ricci a la Sleepy hollow
She really does have lovely big eyes.


No *beep* American barbie doll please.


Let's face it, Cate Blanchett would be perfect. But its too close to her Galadriel.


I just watched the short film This Must Be The Only Fantasy which is very much a homage to 80s fantasy films, but the main girl in it - Sidney Williams, has a very ethereal, innocent look which I think would be perfect for Amalthea. She's very beautiful but also slightly unusual looking... ile.jpg

The lute is the coolest of all medieval stringed instruments.


The girl who plays Dany in Game of Thrones.


Ella fanning would be perfect....


Too late - she played Sleeping Beauty in "Maleficent." By now (2015) she's probably too old for it, anyway.


It has to be someone just barely into womanhood, to get that 'newness' that Amalthea has. Someone with a thin face, pale skin, and who could rock the white hair and violet eyes, but who also has that etherial quality that you would expect a unicorn in a human body to have.

After reading this thread, I wracked my brain trying to come up with someone I thought would be good and came up empty. The best I could do was this random picture (likely a model, since the image seems to be a stock photo):

This is my signature, and it loves me.
