The Perfect Amalthea!!!
STUDIOS TAKE NOTICE!!! There is an actress named [url=]Joanne Froggatt[/url] who plays Kate in Season 3 of the BBC Robin Hood series and she would make the perfect Amalthea in a live action Last Unicorn! She not only has the perfect look of a unicorn turned human, but her voice so very closely resembles that of Mia Farrow's in the animated version, which has a bit of neigh to it.
Strange that I say this, since her character annoyed me when she first appeared on the third season of Robin Hood (due to my loyalty to Marian). It wasn't until her voice clicked in my mind that I couldn't stop thinking of her as the perfect Amalthea. She was born for the part!!!
I couldn't find a great video clip to illustrate my point, but here is a vid with some dialogue starting at the 2:45 mark.
Here is a picture: bbc-image-4-364902900.jpg