Teen smoking

So obviously underage smokers exist...but in this era it was legal for high school age kids to smoke...I remember when the age for purchase went up to 16 sometime in the late 80's(I was 10 when the movie came out). Does anyone know when the last time it was legal for under 18 to smoke?


I am around your age and remember my cousins who were about 13-15 years old then buying cigarettes then with no problem. People being asked to show ID was pretty lax back then.


Are you talking about the late 80's? I don't remember any such law. Possibly because nobody followed that law or because each state was different. Myself or anybody I knew was never asked to show ID. Nor did any of us have ID at the age of 16 anyways


I graduated in 1985 & we had a designated smoking area on the side of our school. The teachers and students who smoked would hang out there and do their thing.


Yes, ChrisCuda, good point. I remember that too. I graduated in 88 and we had the same thing. Our designated area had a tree where all congregated...including teachers. We obviously called the area "the tree". Smokers were called "tree people"---haha! Hell I remember people even sneaking a joint now and again and everyone HAD to be able to smell it. These younger people can't believe this happened in the 80's...they are stunned....which makes me chuckle :-))


I graduated high school in 1988 and we did not have a smoking section. It was prohibited on campus, even in the parking lot. While this was my campus there were others who had designated smoking sections then.

When I was 12, when this movie came out, I either stole cigarettes from my mother's purse or bought them from vending machines. For newer generations, yes, they had cigarette vending machines and it wasn't hard for kids to access them.

Not that it matters, but for the record, I don't smoke anymore.


I graduated high school in 1985. Back then, there was a smoking section outside for the kids that were smokers. I remember it always smelled gross from all the thrown away cigarettes. When I was a freshman, I had to walk outside past it to get to my homeroom..

The teachers smoked in the teachers lounge, I remember vividly having to go get a teacher in that lounge for some reason and seeing my geometry teacher, Mrs Armentrout smoking like a chimney.. Made me view her differently for a few moments..

Boy have times changed...
