Less is More in Incubus. And it works perfectly
Isn't it sad that this movie gets such a low score [putting aside that this is IMDB and even my dog can rate a movie]?
Doesn't it say much about how much numbed audiences are to the point we get overly used to watch guts, nails, teeth and eyes being ripped out of screaming blond heads and chuckle about it?
But that's not the point I would like to make.
The point is, that sometimes "less" is indeed "more". And it works in this movie. Even if it were to be a big budget movie with all the CGI crap and jazz, showing you all the blood and violence in loco, it wouldn't produce quite a powerful effect as not showing anything [or very little] does [at least it did to me, and still does].
Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.share