I was an extra in this movie in high school
I was an extra in this movie in high school when my dad was stationed in Korea. I had been working in a summer job program the Army ran for dependents - $1.85/hr to be a clerk typist in an Army office. Needless to say, the opportunity of $30/day and a free lunch playing soldier held a lot more appeal.
I spent a lot of time sitting in a trench firing blanks from an M1 rifle and getting pelted by dirt from special effects explosions. Good times!
I spent one day as an Australian soldier running with a crowd to watch some UN soldiers in a brawl. I was sure I would be able to spot myself as I had to jump off a wall holding onto a hat 5 sizes too big, but I don't think the scene survived the cutting room.
I remember seeing Richard Roundtree and Ben Gazarra out at the trenches one day, but the only evidence of Olivier I saw was his name taped on some clothes in the tent where we picked up our musty 20+-year-old uniforms.