As cruel as Jason is

I thought that he would never hurt animals or children....but he killed the dog (Muffin) in part 2, and he also killed Debbie (Who was pregnant....thus killing her kid)


The only thing I can think of is, in part 2, we see Muffin come up to Jason's feet, while he is trying to remain hidden, and kills her before she gives him away. And, as for Debbie, I don't think Jason knew she was pregnant and I think it was dumb to even have her be, as it made her death even more tragic.


Jason didn't kill the dog in part 2. Muffin shows up at the end scratching at the door.


Everything after Paul and Ginny leave Jason's shack is Ginny's dream (except when Ginny is seen taken away on the stretcher - that happened). This was to mirror Alice's dream in the original. Even the opening of Part III is proof of this as Jason removes the machete from his shoulder before the opening credits roll. In Ginny's dream it was still there when he crashed through the window.


Yeah, Muffin turning up at the end of part 2 was (unfortunately) a dream I think...poor puppy...

And as for the pregnant girl- yeah pretty sure Jason was oblivious (why would he know?). I'm not even sure he'd understand what pregnancy is? After all he's led a pretty sheltered life to this point...

Violence is Italian art and Italian art is beautiful.


She didn't even sport a baby bump, hows a mongoloid supposed to know?


I disagree that it was her dream. When would she have had time to take a nap after running from Jason? And then what happened to Paul? Plus she was all roughed up when they took her away like she had just been attacked. It wouldn't make sense that she just fell asleep after stabbing Jason then woke up on a stretcher with Paul missing.



He didnt know.




He also killed a bunny in Part 3.

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The snake killed the bunny. Geesh so irresponsible in slandering this good man's name.


 Well excuse me then, I would not want to besmirch the good Voorhees name.

If you save the world, We can do it in the *beep*
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I never understood making Debbie pregnant, other than to try to shock the audience.

Wow, Jason just killed a mother-to-be!

I mean, I want to say her pregnancy is only referred to twice. It doesn't really serve the plot in any way.


I agree, it serves no purpose to the plot at all.

And as for Jason killing a pregnant girl, in his defense, how could he know she was pregnant? Her stomach was as flat as a board.


I don't believe he killed Muffin, I don't believe the ending is a dream sequence, so I think Muffin was alive. It was never definite that the thing Jeff and Sandra found was Muffin.

As for Debbie, Jason would have no way of knowing she was pregnant. Her stomach was completely flat.


I'm not one to defend serial killers (whether they be real people or fictional characters), but I'm pretty sure Jason's not the type of person who'd randomly walk up to a girl and say, "Excuse me ma'am, would you happen to be pregnant by any chance?", right before stabbing her. That said, I'm pretty sure Jason didn't know that Debbie was pregnant. To him, she was just another worthless teenager that wanted to get high or get laid.

As for Muffin, well, we have to remember that Jason was a human in the earlier movies. So, as a hobo who lived in the woods for most of his life, I'm sure that Jason had to hunt and eat wildlife in order to survive, and since Muffin had wandered into his territory, he may have assumed she was just another wild animal for him to hunt and devour.

[Formerly CosmosX9]


I still don't believe he killed Muffin. I don't believe the ending with Muffin was a dream sequence, and the writers said it wasn't intended to be.

Nobody could know Debbie was pregnant, with flat abs like that, lol!
