MovieChat Forums > Fighting Back (1982) Discussion > Was crime really this bad in real life b...

Was crime really this bad in real life back then??

I was born in 1981 outside of Philly...Does anyone who's seen this film feel that this is a realistic portrayal of crime in Philadelphia circa late 70's-early 80's? I was way to young to remember.

Of course in "Fighting Back" it seemed very over-the-top because it's a movie trying to make a point, but did anyone ever see a park with just random crimes happening all over like this, or anything remotely close to it?
In any city in the US in the late 70's-80's?
Were police forces actually this inept??


I was an adult in 1982, not from Philadelphia but from the midwest. I don't remember crime being noticably worse then than it was a decade earlier (which I kind of remember) or a decade later. It does seem that the idea of neighborhood patrols was catching on around then, and that's in part what this movie is about.

It's realistic in the sense that the people who made it (I'm guessing their average age to be about 40) felt their neighborhoods were less safe, probably a lot less safe, then they did when they were 20 years old, sometime around 1960.

I think what they were trying to do with Fighting Back was to take the Death Wish premise (law abiding citizen wronged by thugs, The Systrem fails to adequately deal with it, law abiding citizen takes the law into his own hands) and apply it to neighborhood vigilante organizations.

I do remember neighborhood watch groups becoming more prominent back then, groups like the Guardian Angels, and Take Back the Night events going on.


I know New York in the late 70's-early 80's was facing bankruptcy, the police force at the time was just being rebuilt after large corruption, crack cocaine was hitting the streets for the first time. I don't really know that much about Philly, but i'm just making the point that New York at the time did have high violent crime rates.


Yes I was told by older folks that crime really was bad back in the 70's and early 80's./ the thing about it today is that a lot of random acts of violence are recorded from cell phones and security cameras as oppose to the days before such technogly.


Yes it was as it is today in filthydelphia.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


born and raised in chicago. Chicago has far worse areas that others like any other big city, i went to high school on the north side and 9 out of 10 classmates were gangbangers. There was cabrini green and most knew to stay out of that area, but we had neighborhood situations quite similar to this movie. But Chicago now is full of Starbucks, and hipster yuppie condo living professionals.


It's worse now. We need more movies like this to remind people living with crime is not an option.


I had never heard of this movie until I saw these threads a couple of days ago. I couldn't find it anywhere but YouTube. I thought it was one of the best movies I'd ever seen! It was so realistic, so much more realistic than Death Wish was. It's truly a hidden gem and I agree with you that more movies like this are needed.
