Sean Penn/ Jeff Spiccoli

So I heard Sean Penn punches anyone who asks him about his role in Fast Times as Jeff Spiccoli. He's an Oscar winning actor, after all.




I never liked his face and I've always found him one of the most annoying actors ever.
I'd like it if someone reconstructs his face or even better that, puts it under a nice pile of sand in a wooden casket..

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."


Penn is a typical, hypocritical Hollywood scumbag. If I ever met him I'd make sure to ask him specifically about that role just so he punches me and I can sue him.


My cousin was an extra on Colors (1988), he played one of the crypt members and he told me Sean Penn was a complete ass. He was always talking trash to the extras if they made eye contact with him and blabbering about how much money he had in his bank account. Funny thing was none of the actual members of both, blood and crypts didn't like him either but they did get along with Robert Duvall who was very professional and even went out of his way to buy them all burgers and fries.

Just thought I'd share that with y'all.


I don't find it surprising at all. Rule #1 - liberal = hypocrite.


Rule #1 - Conservative = Hypocrite.

P.S. The people at HUAC, who blacklisted his father should, have been jailed. HUAC was an evil organization that did more to harm Hollywood than help Hollywood.


Hey, pedo supporter. It is quite pathetic that you stalk me to another board just to show how stupid you are.

Why don't you go back and suck on Polanski's d!ck some more?


Why don't you and your Conservative buddies go back to breaking out the bubbly over the death of the much-loved and respected journalist Morley Safer.


Ahh, typical liberal scumbags. Supposed to be open and accepting, but spew hatred and racism and bigotry (while supporting pedophiles) every where they go.


I have NEVER seen a Conservative show ANY compassion when Morley Safer died. NOT ONE.


So what?


Shut up out there, I'm trying to sleep here, I'm trying to bang this f u k I n g broad here, can U help me out!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


Penn was brilliant as Spicoli. Too bad he subsequently has played only grim, humorless characters, and by all accounts is a douche in real life.


It's no surprise he's a douche, or that he's a brilliant actor. The best actors are well served by their particularly well developed detachment from reality.


I mean, he punched the Church Lady on SNL when she poked fun at Madonna who Penn was married to at the time.. 🤣


He’s not someone I’d have any interest in speaking to. He was good in FT and Bad Boys. Bravo.

In real life he’s a parrot for global communism. He’s tried to promote Cuba, Venezuela, and China over the years, praising their economic and government systems. Just another brainless mouth for the Marxist rectum.

Trying to have a conversation with this shit head would turn his face even uglier.
