The house containment and suits

Ok this whole bit is hilarious. First of all do they want the entire world knowing they have something? Way to be discrete guys! Why try and make all these containment rooms in the house. It would have been easier and better to simply remove the alien and the family.

And first off what was up with the full on astronaut suits?! The first few that come in look ready to go to the moon. That was hilarious and ridiculous. Then in the next scene people have all this simple gear but to look like full contamination suits on but with simple little plastic flaps for their heads with hoses running underneath and then wait for it. Totally exposed skin at the wrists and arms between their sleeves and basic latex gloves. Oye.

Then as soon as ET "dies". They rip everything off and tear down all the containment. How stupid.

I mean it's a cute enough movie especially back in the 80s. But this was just odd.


It's all for effect. I remember that guy in the pressure suite was a real "WTF" moment when I saw it as a kid.


Precisely. Also, Steven has a bit of a dark side, and I think that was his moment to show it in E.T.

And I will never forget the site of poor E.T. laid out on the bathroom floor, white as a ghost. Ugh.

"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference." Eeyore


Also, the whole point of invading the house was to show how the children's environment was being invaded. This warm, safe place became a nightmare.


I 100% disagree with you. I thought on rewatching that this was all pretty awesome, and a nice level of detail they could have easily enough blown off for simplicity's sake but which added something. And I think you're missing the point that they were trying to avoid making E.T. sick, not vice versa. So once he was dead, there was no point.

My top 250:


And first off what was up with the full on astronaut suits?!
Well, that's the film director being silly, but I'd considered the possibility that Keys's investigative team wanted to greet ET in as he would have been greeted in outer space (or perhaps had been in the past).
