MovieChat Forums > Don't Go to Sleep (1982) Discussion > HELP ME FIGURE OUT THIS MOVIE


I have been trying to find out some info about a movie. I know this isn't it, but it seems to bear some resemblances. If anyone can help me, thanks in advance. Here's a synopsis of what I know:

This movie was filmed in the 70s or 80s, I would guess. In it, a girl goes (by train, so it was set a bit earlier than filmed) to visit her grandmother in a big, old house. Once the girl is there, she begins to have dreams about her grandmother's sister--- the girl's great-aunt--- who died in a car accident many years ago as a young woman. In the dreams, the great-aunt and the man who was courting her are driving in a Model-T-type car in a horrible thunderstorm with torrential rains. They can't really see the road and end up veering over a cliff. The girl always wakes up just as they are falling. She asks her grandmother about this occurence and tries to do the best she can to gather clues, because obviously there is something of an unsolved mystery to this, and it's up to her to find out what it is. That's about all I can remember, save for a few important notes:

1. I'm pretty sure the grandmother's house is in a small New England town. I don't think this was a British movie, but I'm not 100% sure.

2. I don't think the girl was an orphan--- I believe she was visiting her grandmother for the summer. I seem to recall a scene in which she telephones her parents from the train station.

3. I could be wrong on this one, but it seems like the late great-aunt's name was either Evelyn or Gladys.

4. I watched this, on TV, I think, with my parents when I was about nine or ten (I'm now 21), so it is a family-friendly movie (not rated R).

If anyone could help me, I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks.



have you ever found out what movie this was?
Peace and Love
