Why did she want to kill her Grandma?
Can anyone think of why Jennifer would want to kill her Grandma?
I can see why she would want to kill her Father, as it was he who was drunk, whilst driving the car which crashed, resulting in her death.
I can also see why she wanted to kill her brother Kevin. It was he (helped by Mary) who tied her shoelaces together, which prevented her from escaping from the car before it burst into flames.
However, her Grandma worshipped and totally adored her, she was her favourite. After Jennifer was killed, her Grandma even kept on talking to photographs of her, in a dedicated shrine to her memory.
Why didn't she want to kill Mary? Mary was partly responsible for the shoelaces prank, which resulted in her death.
It would have made more sense therefore, if Jennifer had come back from the dead and teamed up with Grandma, whom I'm sure would have been happy to assist her in bumping off the other members of the family.
Why then did she want her Grandma dead?