Finally saw this last night...
This film had a lot of good ideas. The story was good. Some of the script's dialogue was good. The pacing of the film was great, and the spooky scenes were effective. It was paced better, and more atmospheric, than the average horror film of the last four or five years. And... last but not least (and to restate something that another poster already has)... the CINEMATOGRAPHY WAS AMAZING! The shot selection and camera movement was so good in this film that it is ridiculous. It deserves great recognition for that alone.
Unfortunately some of the character interaction between the actors was a joke. I can't believe how bad a lot of it was. It seems to me like all the actors in the movie had potential, which leads me to believe that maybe the director just didn't put any effort into directing them (but that's strange... because the director seemed smart enough to have carefully chosen his cinematographer).
Dramatic scenes fell flat on their faces. A lot of dialogue was good though... like that line about how women who have just had dramatic episodes are sexy because it gives them a certain flush. I thought that was an awesome idea. Unfortunately, like another poster on this board stated, the parents seemed nonchalant about their son's death.
All-in-all, I would much rather watch this film again than the average piece of *beep* that passes for "horror" nowadays.
In fact, I could imagine a professor playing this movie for his film students in order to give them an idea of how to keep things simple, yet creepy and atmospheric at the same time. No style over substance... no pop-culture nonsense over true drama and spookiness..
I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way