Inspiration for this story
If I may ask, what inspired you to write this story?
I was asked to write a horror story with a three-line pitch: Mary thinks there is something under the bed; Mary is right; Don't Go To Sleep. From that pitch I came up with the whole story, all the characters and situations, etc. I guess you could say that the inspiration was getting the opportunity to write a horror movie for TV, not easy considering all the rules that Standards and Practices puts in your way. The thing is, a movie like this would never be made by a network today. Since the story is good, I am begin give the opportunity to do it again, but this time for the big screen.
At present, the film is out to directors. Once a director is attached, we will take the package to investors (either private or studio) and, hopefully, make this movie, updated and torqued for modern big-screen sensibilities.
As I have said in earlier posts, this process is agonizingly slow. I try not to think about it at all. It takes what it takes. I will post details as they become available. The producers who are moving this forward are well-known in the industry, so this is not a shoestring deal. We are waiting for a studio to get on board before I start naming the participants. Fans of DGTS will not be disappointed.
Thanks a bunch Ned.
Thanks for a great movie and best of luck with the remake, I am looking forward to watching it.
Hello Ned:
Interesting and cool way to develop the film from a three-line pitch. I just got a chance to watch the original film and I must say: WOW! I think alot of current directors need to make your film, "Don't Go To Sleep" a part of their directors education. Didn't get a chance to see it in '82, but kept hearing about it over the years and how the kid from Poltergeist was in it. I read somewhere that Rob Zombie was attached to the remake - is this true? Just curious.
As far as your comment concerning network TV today, that is sad and true - I think way too much of network TV is too saturated and indoctrinated with MTV-type quick editing and lack of building of suspense and character development.
Thanks for your time and for gracing us with "Don't Go To Sleep" - seeing that you are involved with the remake I do have some hope. Seems like many 80s properties are continually be remade, i.e., Tron, Poltergeist, to name two recent developments. Have a good day.