Does this movie by chance feature pencil drawings, depicting various flashback scenes?
I remember a movie from when I was around 5 or 6 that sounds very similar to this one, but I'm trying to make sure. I'm pretty sure is was made for TV and would have to have been from the late 70's/early 80's.
What I vaguely remember is a mother having twins that dies at childbirth. One of the twins kills the other in the crib. This is the evil one that was also the cause of her mothers death. When she's a little older there's a scene of her pulling her older brothers hair and when dad comes to check up on things she puts her hand behind her back, hiding an entire lock of hair from her brothers head.
What I remember most are those pencil drawings. There was one in particular of the mothers face during child birth that scared the hell out of me. Could this be the same movie or is it something else? If not, does anyone know what movie I could be thinking of? I feel like I'm getting closer to finding the answer!