What parts stuck with you?
So, like everyone else, I saw this only one time on TV and some parts of it have stuck with me ever since. I was born in 1980 and this movie came out in 1982, so it had to have been on a few years later. Maybe I was about 6 or 7 when I saw it. The parts that I remember are of someone on a roof, then something about a watermelon, and then the horribly scary part at the end with the girl at the foot of her mom's bed. Though, I remember her being wrapped in chains, but she may not have been. I haven't seen it since then. I posted something on a general IMDB forum and, just based on my few little details, after 20 years I found out what this movie is.
I love about reading how people are saying the same kind of thing, that they were little when they saw it and it stuck with them ever since. I remember my mom being offended almost by the part where the daughter was at the foot of the bed. I remember her saying something like "give me a break" or something along those lines.
I wish I could find it online, but if not I'll just have to hunt down a copy and buy it someday... anyway, for those who saw this over 20 years ago and still remember certain parts that they couldn't forget, what parts stuck with you?