MovieChat Forums > Don't Go to Sleep (1982) Discussion > What parts stuck with you?

What parts stuck with you?

So, like everyone else, I saw this only one time on TV and some parts of it have stuck with me ever since. I was born in 1980 and this movie came out in 1982, so it had to have been on a few years later. Maybe I was about 6 or 7 when I saw it. The parts that I remember are of someone on a roof, then something about a watermelon, and then the horribly scary part at the end with the girl at the foot of her mom's bed. Though, I remember her being wrapped in chains, but she may not have been. I haven't seen it since then. I posted something on a general IMDB forum and, just based on my few little details, after 20 years I found out what this movie is.

I love about reading how people are saying the same kind of thing, that they were little when they saw it and it stuck with them ever since. I remember my mom being offended almost by the part where the daughter was at the foot of the bed. I remember her saying something like "give me a break" or something along those lines.

I wish I could find it online, but if not I'll just have to hunt down a copy and buy it someday... anyway, for those who saw this over 20 years ago and still remember certain parts that they couldn't forget, what parts stuck with you?


The part where the possessed little girl was coming down the stairs with the pizza cutter to slit her mom's throat was pretty creepy. That and the last scene with the mom and the girl at the foot of the bed stand out in my mind the most. This was definitely a hauntingly good movie.


I can't take the pizza cutter out of the drawer without thinking of that scene.



I saw it when I was twelve and remember thinking it was all kind of silly... the address of the house was 13666 I believe... but the ghost terrified me. The first time the girl rolls under the bed and sees her sister was very scary, and the final shot absolutely horrified me.

I wonder if you have to be a kid to be freaked out by this movie. That's why I'd like to see it again...


I'd like to see this movie again, too. I wish they would play it on cable. The pizza cutter rolling along the railing was something that stayed with me as well. It looks like it's available on VHS, and I've tried to find it on Amazon before.


I've been looking for this movie for years and like most people, I didn't remember the title.

I remember seeing this movie when I was probably 5 or 6 (very young, I know) and got scared so bad I couldn't watch the whole movie. Since then, I've wanted to see it again just to see if it would still haunt me like it has all these years.

A lot of people mention the pizza cutter scene but I confess, I didn't get that far.

I remember the girls bed being on fire and there was some suspicion about whether or not the brother did it... because I think he had been playing with matches (or a lighter) earlier in the movie. And I remember the girl being moved (I assume) to her brothers room to sleep and she keeps hearing.. "Mary.... Mary... Mary" She like rolled under the bed or something and was saying (I think) "Kill me, just go ahead and kill me now" (or something like that) and then sees her sister who's like, "Hello Mary."


That part still scares me when I think about it.

lol I still feel so silly about this movie because it is literally the only movie I can think of that has scared the crap out of me and I LOVE horror movies.

I think the reason it bothered me so much when I was little is because my name is Marie... sounds a lot like Mary. haha

I haven't seen this movie since but I wish I could. Can't find a copy anywhere and it's never on TV. I almost don't want to watch it because I'm afraid it wouldn't be the same and I'll end up thinking... this is it?!?!


The very end has stayed with me for years.


I saw this movie when I was five. The parts that stick with me are the car scene where the girl tries to escape the burning car. The part where her brother ties the shoelaces and the ending scene where shes at the end of the bed. The movie stuck with me ever since.


I actually have this movie on VHS. I bought it off of ebay about 4 years ago. I completely agree with you on how this movie stuck in my head over the years. I was probably 6 years old when I saw it on network televison. After seeing it, I had a fear of falling off of a rooftop like the little boy in the movie. I also was afraid of someone pushing a radio into the bathtub and getting electocuted like the Dad. There are many other images that always stuck in my head the ghost of the deceased sister talking to the other sister, the lizard, the pizza cutter, the deceased sister trapped inside the burning car, and the most haunting part is the last few minutes of the movie...very disturbing. For being a made for tv movie, this movie always scared me the most. I don't know why. I'm 30 years old now, and the movie still gives me chills. I can't explain it. Another movie that came out around that time and scared me was called ALLIGATOR. Remember that?


I think it's the past that haunts your present which is why you still feel the unease. Anyway, the ending sticks with everybody, no doubt. It's the strongest part of the film and kind of does it in with the ultimate terror.


I first saw this movie when I was about 6 or 7 years old. Up until recently, I thought I was the only person on the planet who ever saw it - it's amazing that so many of us had the same experience of seeing it at such an early age and not being able to remember the title and details. I remember the shoelace scene, the pizza cutter and of course the end when the mom sees her daughter at the end of the bed. Even to this day I sometimes get really creeped out when I'm laying in bed and looking straight ahead - that scene will stay with me forever.
The funny part is how I finally tracked this movie down - the girl who plays the surviving sister also played Duffy (one of the orphans) in Annie! I loved Annie and always knew there was something familiar about Duffy and then I finally made the connection. And in the end, came to the rescue and allowed me to look this girl up and find the title of the creepiest movie from my childhood. ::sigh::
Oh! Another scene I will never forget is the part where the dad is in the tub and the radio or something falls into the water. I remember being a kid and always being terrified that my mom was going to drop the hair dryer into the tub or something.
Reading all these posts makes me want to see this movie so bad although I know it probably will seem a lot cheesier now...still I'd love to get my hands on it and finally have my boyfriend see the movie I have been talking about for years!


The part where they tie her sister's show laces together. Where her sister is possessed and takes a pizza cutter and rolls it along the wall and cuts the cord to the radio he has sitting on the bathtub while taking a bath. The very end where the spirit and her sister are fighting through her sister and she ends up in a mental hospital saying "I loved her. I loved her. I loved her..."


THE END. I saw this while I was home sick from school, probably one of the first times by myself, when I was about 11. The last shot of the girl at the end of the bed was absolutely burned on my brain for years. SO scary. I'd love to see it now and see if it's still as terrifying.


LOL - I find it funny that for the most part, everyone who remembers this movie was under the age of 8 when it came out! And it seems like we were all scarred for life by it! weird.


It's crazy how I'm a 30 year old male and I'm still frightened to watch this movie. As I mentioned before, I bought the movie on Ebay 5 years ago on VHS...couldn't find the dvd. When I recieved it, I watched it immediately. It brought back so many memories. I don't know what it is about the movie that makes it so scary. Probably because most of us who talk about it on here were probably little kids when we saw it. It is a little cheesy seeing it now, but still spooks me. Movies like Friday The 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street...etc. don't scare me anymore, but "Don't Go To Sleep" does. Adults who've never seen this movie before, might not be spooked by it. I guess when your a kid, you tend to never outgrow some of those childhood fears. I'd like to thank "Don't Go To Sleep" for giving me a lifetime of nightmares. I might get the courage one of these days to put that tape in the VCR again, but I think I'm gonna leave the lights on. For now, I'm sticking to comedies. Have to take babysteps.


I'm 31 and the only part that really stuck with me was at the end where the one sister ties her other sister's shoelaces together and the car crashes and she dies cuz she can't escape. Funny thing is that I recalled that as being at the beginning of the movie...not the end.


The girl at the end of the bed *shiver*


Just watched this online (had never seen it before) and really thought that little girl (go Duffy!) was so good! I was especially creeped out by her scene in the straight jacket at the end (like a recent poster mentioned). Her performance was so raw and scary for such a young kid. I really thought that helped put the movie above a lot of other fare. It's also remarkably close to THE BAD SEED (which is how I heard about this...on the message boards there someone thought Don't Go To Sleep was The Bad Seed and I can see why!) what with the braids and the creepy killing girl (not to mention the news footage of a picnic where a boy has gone missing...Claude Dagle, anyone?) and the whole explanation at the end of the mad grandfather and the madness skipping a generation...I wonder if this was somewhat the intent?
Glad to be "in the know" about this movie now and I'm gonna pass the download link to all my horror buff friends (in case any are in the dark like I was prior to an hour and a half ago!)


The ending was masterfully done, as was the initial part where Mary was lying in bed and hearing the voice of "Jennifer" an seeing the dolls move and such. The little girl that played Mary also had some great scenes where she just seemed like pure evil.


it's on youtube! check out the last few mins of "don't go to sleep, 1982 9/9"...

"Hi mommy!"
