I bought a copy from ebay and it's really good quality. I watched it only the other night and was suprised at the quality of picture and sound (considering it's a pretty old tv movie). If you're interested in it, send me a mail and we'll sort something out. I live in Ireland so it's not that far to send it.
I just had a look on ebay and there is an original on there going for £4.00. Unicorn Videos which was the distributor before has now discontinued with don't go to sleep but if you look check on ebay every now and again you will usually find one. I remember watching don't go to sleep when i was very young and it was very scary , more scary than poltergeist. It's actually got the kid from poltergeist in it. This film will give you the willies for sure.
I have just received a copy of the DVD from an online seller named Harbinger. It is nicely packaged. The problem for overseas viewers will be the incompatiblity issue. Region 1 and 2. Make sure, if you are in Europe, to get a region-free copy.
I also bought a copy from Harbinger recently. I think all the copies of this movie that he has are region free. Also very good quality and very fast shipping to me here in Ireland. I hadn't seen it in years and there were very few bits I could remember. Thoroughly enjoyed it again after all these years. Great to see such an interest in it on this site!
I got two copies now, both from Harbinger. They did some decent artwork on the disc box. Hopefully in the next month I will be able to give some solid information on the remake. The producer thinks it's a great idea to get a buzz going on the IMDb boards, but first he wants to get a studio involved, and then we can start posting news.
Thanks again to all your guys for being supportive of this movie. Your enthusiasm is deeply appreciated.
I saw the same copy on ebay from the same seller, but looks like this guy's reputation is to send pirated copies and not all good quality. I'm going to have to give it a miss I think, but I'm continuing the search.
I just got one from the same guy & it is actually a good copy (if it is indeed a copy)normally Iam the same but I don't think you can get it anywhere else on Video or DVD so I didn't mind.
hey guys ive been hunting around for a copy of "Dont go to sleep for a few years...i remember seeing it as a kid and it scared the bejesus out if my sis and i ive actually just stopped on this site by accident...and i was stoked to see others enjoying it...if some one could be so kind to help me out my sis and i will love you 4eva!!!...pleeeeease! thankyou.
I have it at home if you're still interested. I have a terrible habit of buying movies, watching them once and never looking at them again! Excellent copy as several other posters have stated. If you want to check out eBay before you get back to me that's ok. I remember I paid $25 inc postage. Let me know.
I found it and its on it way, can't wait to watch it because I have always remembered this movie and never been able to find it or the name until last night.
First off i'd like to say. If "Ted" is it? Is responsible for making this movie! congrats man, but your sured scared the *hell* or be that; This film was creepy as hell. I couldn't sleep after seeing this film?
And this goes back far as 1984!
Don't know if i'd be brave enough to see it again, am i'm a proud big man today!
All i gotta say is, whoever goes looking for this film won't be disappointed. But even if you don't scare easily. Watch this film during the day?! EARLY real early! And you sure are brave to go looking for this film!
Man, i can't believe this effected soooooo.......many people in the same way.
I wonder if a remake can do the film justice today!
i think they will b/c when they remade ringu to the movie the ring they did a good job i remember watching it at the movies and the part when she comes out the tv i almost jumped out of my chair!! lol i think if they make it more like it was but with more scary specail effects the clown in the movie poltergiest still scares me the thing in the horror movies that gets most people is the scary music b/c everytime something happens u hear the music so that puts u on the edge of your seat then when it happens your like AHHHH if i had the money and the equipment i make my own horror movie about a haunted house
I have only discovered the name of the film I saw over 20 years ago and since then I have been looking on Ebay and amazon for old or used copies. I found it on but they wanted to charge $75 - it's actualy more like $80 for it which must be about £50 - £60 or more which I think is way to steep for a used VHS. I live in the UK too and would love to hear from anyone who has found a seller for this - but I can't afford to pay crazy money for it
Ebay is great, but you will be very lucky to find a copy of it there. Because this movie is so rare. If you were to use EBay to find it, you would need to use the American site and not the UK site.