The kids..........
I think all 3 of the kids were screwed up. We never got to see too much of Jennifer alive, but she was the oldest, and was the precious, the favorite, and I'll bet you she really milked it and was a bitch to her sibs. The brother was a little brown noser. He sided with Jennifer when pulling on Mary's hair, then turned right around and convinced Mary to tie Jennifer's laces together. But Mary - tied her sister's shoes together, and had no problem at all crawling OVER Jennifer to get out of the car. She even slammed the car door in Jen's face when she asked Mary to help her, then right before the car blew up, Mary was like "Oh gosh, oh gee - Jennifer's still in the car. Someone save her!!" Then the car exploded.
It never was really explained how having her shoelaces tied together somehow trapped Jennifer in the car. The door worked. She wasn't paralyzed. Seems to me that for the sake of speed, you just kick your shoes off, then run like hell and beat the *beep* out of your sister.