J'ever notice that Kira was the "ballsy" one? She always took charge. She was a very strong female heroine. When a crystal bat was flying overhead, what did she do? She whips out a sling without a second thought and knocks it out of the sky. She leads Jen away from the Pod Village attack. She heals his wound. She keeps him from being mesmerized by the Chamberlain. She leads him to the landstriders. When they see the garthim arriving at the castle, it was SHE who made the first move to attack them! That's gutsy, a full frontal attack on a group of garthim with a single landstrider. Jen only followed her because he didn't want her to attack alone. He felt obligated to follow her lead.
She uses her wings resourcefully; she survives being tortured, and finally gives her own life to heal the crystal. Kira is badass.
"Wings?...I don't have wings!?"
"Of course not. You're a boy."