in Theyr creeping up on you.. the man says he owns this GD building and there isnt going to be any more GD bugs! then later he says that he pays 2000$ a month and expects a germ free apartment. does he pay rent for an apartment in a building he owns. is that standard practice of building owners? i dont know so im asking.
Here in NYC you can buy an apartment but you still have to pay a monthly maintenance fee. A friend of mine recently bought a condo for $400,000 and pays a monthly fee of $850.
He has a fit about the bugs and on the intercom telephone says "I own this G** D*** building and there isnt going to be any bugs!". Then he says later on that it his penthouse apartment costs 2k a month. (?) Just like I said my original post.
he may own the building but he would have to pay things like electrcity heating and probably something to keep it germ free anyone who owns a building has to pay bills
I don't think Pratt owned the building. I've had a fan-theory about "They're Creeping Up on You" for quite some time. My theory is that Pratt is actually in a psychiatric hospital and the cockroaches are a hallucination. I've always thought is was weird the way the guy at Pratt's door says "No we don't think you're crazy." It sounds pretty sarcastic the way he says it.
I think he owned the building. I'm willing to take what he said at face value, as nothing really shows otherwise that he is in a psychiatric hospital. What he is is a spoof of Howard Hughes after Hughes went crazy. I saw this movie very recently, and I think the money he refers to is how much the apartment is worth/how much he pays to keep it supposedly sterile. Yet there are bugs.
He is holed up in there Howard Hughes style and is a complete fruit-loop.
When it shows the close up of his computer screen you can clearly see how much his stocks and shares are worth on the stock exchange. Most are like twenty dollars per share. He is obviously meant to be a lunatic multi millionaire.