Why wait? Buy it now, buy it here!
Like many, I am eagerly awaiting the Anchor Bay release in January, but I found recently that a site I visit frequently is offering the UK version that was released earlier this year, and I've also been told that it is IDENTICAL to the Uncut versions available in France and Germany. The details on the UK version can be found near the bottom of the "alternate versions" section on the IMDb page, or here:
The site offering it here is xploitedcinema.com. The link to the UK release is here:
This site is excellent for hard-to-find foreign and exploitation and horror films. Best part? Reasonable international shipping, and U.S. domestic shipping is only $5 per order, no limit on items, and it's Priority Mail, so you can usually have it within 3-5 days! I'll probably still buy the Anchor Bay release in a couple of months, but I'll probably buy this one as well as there's no telling if most of the scenes are intact on the Anchor Bay release.
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