
I just bought the Special Edition Dvd on sale at Borders. I think it is nicely packaged, though the menus could have been more flashy instead of just a picture still from the movie.

The thing I have a question about is a scene in the TV version where Michael J. Fox stands on the table in front of the Perry King and the students and shouts, "Fortissimo!!!". I don't recall seeing in on the DVD. Did anyone else notice this? If so, does anyone know what this was cut?

I guess if they had to cut something, I'd rather have this scene cut than, say, the arm-cutting saw scene. This was the first time I saw that particular scene uncut, and it actually made me cringe (I consider myself to be pretty desensitized to violence). But it was cool to see it for the first time.








I noticed it too; it was a good scene which demonstrated Andy's commitment as a teacher, as well as the bond he developed with both the Fox and Flannery characters. It may have been a scene only included in broadcast TV prints of the film. That's a fairly common practice, as after they're edited for content, the running times are often too short, so they'll include scenes which were formerly cut from the theatrical release (for example, TV prints of Pulp Fiction restore the scene where Mia videotapes Vince).
