i saw this movie but the whole time i was going for the punk kids there and after the teacher f u c ked up that kids car i wanted to see him burn in hell. for christ sakes hes a teacher and i hate them all. i cannot believe this ending. i think that the teacher should have hung over the orchestra instead of that kid
It wasn't the rape scene that made me think they should die and made me root for the teacher. When they tortured all those animals was when I wanted them all to die some horrible way.
Are you OK? Are you completely nutters? Or are we completely fine!! I'd say the former. Watch the film again, its an epic controversial film of its time. So I think if you watch the film again, you may agree that the Teacher has the last say....Unless you're one of them!! Cheers Wacko Jacko...
This was actually one of the few movies in which I completely liked the protagonist. Mr. Norris was an all around good person who just wanted to make a difference, only to be pushed to his limits.
Spoilers Below:
Yes, he did sink into a revenge frenzy, but it was more in self-defense than anything. The gang was always gunning for him and they had his wife. He had to act to save his wife (and unborn child), and they ambushed him, so he fought back. In the end, he tries to hold onto his humanity when Stegman feigns for help when he's hanging by the rail and Norris tries to save him. But, Stegman lashes out and Norris loses it completely and punches him down to his death. Could you really blame Norris though? There's only so much a man can take, and I think he had the patience of a saint!
As interesting as I found Stegman and his crew, I wanted Norris to come out on top.
Norris is one of the few heroes I actually rooted for. He didn't take these kids sh*t at any time whatsoever, and never was afraid of them. He was a "sheep herder" if you've ever read about psychopaths and sheeps and wolves. A good guy capable of killing if the situation came to it. He wasn't a p*ssy like so many heroes in today's films.
I hate him too. Stupid eighties conservative yuppie. I mean, Stegman is hardly the good guy, but the teacher is ineffective in dealing with the students properly and allows the situation to get out of hand.
To the idiots posting here saying they disliked the teacher or were rooting for the gang, please tell us how YOU would handle a situation where your car gets blown up; the police won't lift a finger to help you; you are accused & chrged for a beating you did not commit (and as such are at risk of losing your job and serving jail time); your pregnant wife is beaten and raped...
Would you still be rooting for the gang? Feel good and stupid now? Thought so. Dumb f ucks.
Well,this is actually an interesting thread ,though controversial. I admit that bearing in mind my school years and my remembrance of teachers,I was ready to hate Norris and enjoy what he was going through from Stegman's gang. But these guys and the things they did... Stegman even denied Norris' helping hand when his own life was at stake. Alright,maybe Norris could be more lenient with him at the piano play scene. I don't believe there are enough people who wouldn't cheer up at the idea of the final masacre.I did at the time,sure,but then again,I was only 15. The film-although exploitation genre-offers a lot to discuss.
The gang were just total punks and they deserved everything they got. If I was a teacher and theydid half of those things to me I would have changed careers but not before exterminating human garbage. There arn't many movies I've seen where I'm 100% behind the hero, but this was one of them. Its funny that kids these days do get away with a lot of s*** thanks to all the restrictions society has placed on adults.
Dr. Peter Venkman: NOBODY steps on a church in my town.
Just finished rewatching this on google. And yes, the gang deserved what they got. Everything was cause and effect, and the gang started most everything. Norris destroys Stegman's car AFTER Stegman torches his. And he wrecks the car AFTER the gang kills all of Corrigan's animals. Plus, they drive Roddy McDowall (Corrigan) to the brink of suicidal insanity, causing him to kill himself as he's trying to run them over in his car.
I liked Perry King in this, but the standout has to be McDowall as Corrigan. The scene where he holds the class at gunpoint is letter perfect, and brilliantly acted by McDowall.