Sad to watch it again.

I never like watching old films or taking my mind back. I think things belong where they are, and going back can ruin your memory of something great. But i did with this. Now I feel sad. Its not that it doesn't hold up to what I remember. It does. Its just that it took me right back to the time I watched it, and i realise 30 years have passed. Even more sad is seeing Timothy Van Pattern now and how age can make one of the most handsome men on the planet just another bloke that no female would notice.


Charming I'm sure you would be happy about someone saying that about you


This just in...we all age!


Not Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious...etc etc....

I had a fish named Sam he lived in a bowl........


well they did from birth!;p



Watching class of 1984 hits me with powerful
Nostalgia as well. I remember watching this with my best friend when we were in 8th grade. That was quite a few years ago - time flies scarily quick..

I love the raw 80s vibe of this movie - it’s a borderline horror movie at points
