Favourite episode?
It has to be Chrissy's story and I think it's because it hit home & was more personal to me. I grew up watching my mam & dad struggling to make ends meet during Thatcher's Britain, where every half penny counted. I remember seeing my Dad with a tear in his eye when he couldn't afford a school trip I wanted to go on. I don't know how he did it & I never asked, but I went on that trip.
It's pretty bleak stuff in a pretty bleak time period looking back retrospectively, but at the time as a kid it really didn't seem that way. You had or you hadn't, and adults worried about sorting that out for you.
32 years on and in my opinion Boys From The Blackstuff still hasn't been surpassed as the best drama British TV has ever seen.
Hello I-I'm Harvey & I've come to give you jip