MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner (1982) Discussion > Why would they rebel to their purpose?

Why would they rebel to their purpose?

It seems out of ignorance they wanted to extend their lives.

Why rebel like that ?
Did they expect to get it, retire and build a family?

Their occupation is ALL they could do, they are pretty limited and stupid to boot. Why even think to try?
It makes no sense, like my fridge rebelling to become a bike. Why would it?


Talk to your fridge! Try to find out whether it has some kind of consciousness...


If it has, I bet this consciousness would make it proud to keep my food cold, and it would never want to become anything else.




But maybe it does not want to be replaced by a new one only because the manufacturer integrated some stupid algorithm, which reduces its efficiency after a few years of use.
Blade Runner makes SO MUCH sense...


Look, I can get on board with the "extended lifetime" request. Even if it's NOT what they are (which they should wholly accept, like Tyrell tells Batty "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long and you have burned so very brightly": that is part of being what they are, wanna be awesome, gotta be quick, there is NO purposeful obsolescence here, they just can't do them any better) I could understand them wishing to live more.
But couldn't they ask nicely? What's with the rebellion and the violence and the rogueness?

Also, they have a precise assignement. One is a sex worker, for instance. She was made for that purpose. Ok, she wants to live longer.
But why would she want to change the purpose of her existance and become something else? If you're a fridge you are a fridge even if you last twice as long.


But couldn't they ask nicely?

That's indeed a point. But then they would get even more sympathy by the audience.


"But couldn't they ask nicely? What's with the rebellion and the violence and the rogueness?"

I guess I'd be rebellious, violent and rogue too, or a the very least angry, if I'd been created and programmed for the sole purpose of carrying out a very specific task (prostitution, combat, carrying heavy loads all day, etc.) but given the whole spectrum and complexity of human sentience, feelings and awareness (including awareness of my own mortality).
They're little more than slaves. And I'm not sure slaves can claim there freedom back by asking politely.
Your fridge isn't aware and doesn't feel that it's a fridge, so it has no longing to be anything else.


I guess it was a mistake to allow them that wide a spectrum of emotions.
Still, very stupid to try and rebel that way.
Either way, more problems arise.
1 why is tyrrell going ahead with such a silly production? Remove some emotions or treat them properly (it looks like making regular fridges but expect them to work outdoors or underwater)
2 why only a few go rogue? The vast majority is fine with being a slave and still possess the same spectrum of emotions.


The Replicants turned out to be more intelligent than their creators intended. They were becoming self aware and wanted more. Your refrigerator can't do that.


I don’t know how you arrived at the conclusion that the replicants are stupid, except maybe for Leon. It’s kind of a classic story, of like slaves rising up against their oppressors. They are not mindless machines, and they want to be more than the purpose they were created for. And also naturally curious about where they are from and desperate to find out how to extend their limited life.


I wanna be more than I was created for.
Who do I have to threaten to achieve that?


Is your fridge aware it has a 4 year lifespan?
