MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner (1982) Discussion > OT: Cubs Finally Overcame Curse

OT: Cubs Finally Overcame Curse

I've . . . seen things you people wouldn't believe. . . Bobbled balls off the shoulder of a Cubs outfielder. . . I watched foul balls glitter in the dark near the nosebleed stands. . . All those curses. . . will be lost in time. . . like. . . tears. . . in the rain. . . . Time to die.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


Nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch!

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain


They haven't won it all, yet.

Cubs luck dictates they will lose Game 7 after being up 3-1 at one point.


They have now!

I can finally get back to my normal (well, somewhat normal) life. I know it's a remote possibility, but if anyone missed me lately that's where I've been - in front of the TV; with about two exceptions, I've watched every game this season.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.


I speculate there were millions around the world rooting for the Cubs to finally break that century long drought. I'm not even a NL fan and was hoping they won it all.

Also, the Indians were destined to lose with their own curse. The Curse of Chief Wahoo. A Native American spokesman claimed the Cleveland Indians are cursed to never win a World Series as long as they continue to cling on to their racist logo (the degrading caricature red face of a Native American, as their spokesman described it).

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


I have to say - Cleveland was a class act. Their curse will be broken, just like Cubs. The Cubs had the Billy goat curse. In game 4 of the 1945 World Series, Bill Sianis, the owner of The Billy Goat Tavern, (which is still here, btw), put a curse on the Cubs because they wouldn't let him sit in the stands with his goat, which he had bought a ticket for. They said that patrons were complaining about the smell. So he put a curse on the Cubs saying they would never win another World Series. Oddly enough, the day they won the NL pennant this year was the day that Sianis died in 1970.


No adult with common sense believes in curses. It's sports, not just a few, but hundreds of sports venues with thousands of teams playing millions of games. It's mathematically impossible some team in some sport venue to never experience a decades spanning drought. There are already several decades spanning droughts in various sports venues that are closing in on the Cubs drought.

It was a drought, not a curse.

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


And that's how they won - by not believing in curses. But before the Ricketts family bought the team, they were cursed with poor management who were only looking to make money, not build a team. The Cubs have always been one of the most popular teams in history. When I went to a Dodgers - Cubs game in LA back in the 80's, I was surrounded by Cub's fans (we're everywhere). So from a money standpoint there was no reason to invest in a top notch team when the dollars were rolling in anyway.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.


They haven't won it all, yet. Cubs luck dictates they will lose Game 7 after being up 3-1 at one point.
LOL! Actually, it was the exact opposite. Won Game 7 after being down 3-1 at one point.

You best be staying away from Las Vegas for the rest of your life, "Lucky_Man." 

One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces.


You best be staying away from Las Vegas for the rest of your life, "Lucky_Man."

No joke. I've been there once and all I did was eat at a Jack In The Box and get food poisoning.

I'm truly happy for the Cubs and their fans. Also, congratulations to Ben Zobrist for being named MPV. He's a class act and we love him and his family here in Kansas City.


They had to bounce back one day.

Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


Back to the Future was one year off.

Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and My Little Pony: Friendships Is Magic fan


But they did make it to the playoffs last year, so still fairly prophetic.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.
