MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner (1982) Discussion > Which cut should I watch?

Which cut should I watch?

I'll lead off my post by saying that I (regretfully) have never seen this film. It is a priority for me to watch however, especially with Villenueve's sequel on the way. With that being said, which version should I watch? Theatrical, director, final, other? I've heard enough about the film to know the directors cut improves the theatrical cut, but I haven't heard about th final cut, and I don't want to read too much about them to avoid spoilers. So, as a first time viewer, which should I watch?


Watch the Final Cut first, if there are queries then go back to the International cut (uncensored compared to the US cut)

International cut you can take as commentary track

The Director's cut has the better unicorn scene, whobbly horn and all


Watch ALL the cuts. Without seeing all the versions you will never know which is your favorite, or why did Ridley Scott feel this needed so many changes, or how some simple edits can make the same movie an almost completely different experience. See them all. They're sold as a set.

But as a first time viewer I would definitely see the theatrical version first and then the final directors cut. These are the two most drastic cuts and the most relevant.


I definitely agree. See them all, but particularly the TC and the FC, in that order.

Impossible is illogical.
Lack of evidence is not proof.
๎‘ + ๎Š = ๎‹


Jesus Christ , do people still ask this ? Watch the FC and stfu.

"Seahawks- 31, Patriots- 0" -AH_Fan


I'd say, it doesn't matter. You will think it's slow, cheesy and boring anyway.


I'd watch the theatrical and then throw the rest in the river.

"gonna throw, my raincoat in the river...gonna toss, my umbrella in the sea"...Sammy Turner.


For people new to the film, I suggest they see the theatrical cut first.
This is the version of the movie which I show them.

Then after that, I suggest they check out the Final Cut or the Director's Cut if they are interested.

Imo at least, BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - ๐ŸŒˆ


Theatrical and Final Cut.

Director's cut is out done by the Final Cut, unless you can accept it for what it was at the time.

Workprint was interesting because it contains scenes never used in other versions, but otherwise meh.


Unless you have a known incept date that's close to it's 4 year expiration date, there's no reason not to watch both the Theatrical Cut and Final Cut. As others have said the Director's Cut is redundant unless you've seen the films enough times to notice the small differences. If you like them enough you can try the Workprint.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.


I saw the Final Cut first and loved it. Maybe because of that every other cut felt like a work in progress and the voice over ruined the whole movie. If you watch Theatrical Cut first and love it you may feel differently. IMO watch the Final Cut first and if you liked it watch the other cuts after.


I've only seen the directors scut and the final cut, they are for the most part the same, just the FC has updated special effects and a couple of minor changes like the gunshots sounding different. Haven't seen the theatrical cut but I have heard fords narration on YouTube and it's pretty bad as is the happy ending. From what I understand the FC is scotts true vision?
