Bit of a Blade Runner novice here, so excuse me if this question seems obvious to those who know this film well.
So without any further ado, what, if anything, would you say points to Deckard being human? It's been a while since I've watched Blade Runner, and last time I saw it, I took it at face value that he was human. Yeah, I know, it could be said that taking it at face value would lead one to think he was a replicant, so I guess what I mean is that I went with human because that's what worked for me.
To be sure, it seems like the movie encourages you to make up your own mind on the subject, but it also seems like there's a lot there pointing to his being a replicant. As a matter of fact, I can't think of one friend who's a fan of BR who doesn't think he's a replicant.
Like I said, it's been a while since I last watched BR, but I do recall some of the hints that Deckard is a replicant. What I don't recall at all is if there's anything that observant fans would point to as a sign (or proof) that he's human.
The introducing text claims that replicants are "evolved robots", then immediately states that the replicants are created by "genetic engineers", to mess with you even more, by saying that replicants are used as "slave labor".
If you understand what a slave is, you understand that replicants can't be robots. Even though Deckard himself states that replicants are machines. He tells this to Rachael when he first meets her. And he refers to Rachael as "it", when he discovers that she's a machine, a replicant, when he talks to Eldon: "-How can it not now what it is?" Deckard then proceeds to get horny for Rachael, and wants to put his baby inside her fagina. That's because... suspense suspense suspense:
Replicants are humans!
Deckard is a human!
Then, what is the difference between Deckard, and a replicant?
As you will quickly see, there is no difference between Deckard and a replicant.
A slave is a person who is not free. What is freedom? Freedom is being able to not go to your job, tomorrow, after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, never forget, yes we can! and still be able to feed yourself, survive in this world.
Somehow, Deckard doesn't have this luxury, of not accepting the job that Bryant gives him: "-No choice, pal."
How can Deckard not know what he is? That's an interesting question, showing that you are a very evolved person, at least equal in intelligence to the social engineers who programmed you!
In reality, this movie is not a sci-fi story about robots, but a masonic manifesto about luciferianism. Movies, instead of books. Ain't nobody got time for books!
Eldon Tyrell is the Christian paradigm brainwashing you with the idea that you have been created by a dude, who needs you to work hard for the benefit of the churchmen.
Roy Batty is the Masonic paradigm brainwashing you with the idea that you can be like Tyrell, if you accept the Light that Burns Twice as Bright in your heart as your Lord and Savior.
I was joking about not going to work tomorrow, of course. Don't do that, you have to go to work tomorrow. It's your duty as a responsible citizen of a free and democratic country. Do your part!
Too late, I already called in. They said I'd be fired if I don't show up. Looks like I'll have lots of time for analyzing Blade Runner. I can live with that.
Depends which version of the film you watch. Ridley Scott himself said that in the Theatrical Version, Deckard is human, but in the later Cuts (with the Unicorn scene), he's a replicant. If you read reviews and essays on the film before 1992 (the year of the Director's Cut), there are very few references at all to Deckard possibly being a replicant, but, after the release of the DC, they come in thick and fast. The reasons why most people seem to have assumed Deckard was human in the TV is that (1) there is no Unicorn scene, so Gaff doing his unicorn origami doesn't have any significance beyond telling Deckard that he's been in his apartment but let Rachel live and (2) the voiceover, where Deckard tells us about his ex-wife and so on, so he has much more of a backstory than in the later Cuts. The mere fact that we're inside his head makes us assume he's human (although it could still work if he's a replicant, of course). The point is that I'm not sure the viewer even considers the idea that he's a replicant until the idea is planted in the first place, and, in the TV, there isn't an awful lot of 'planting' going on compared to the later versions.
There are many conflicting stories from Scott himself.
What we do know (because Ford confirmed it) was that he always wanted there to be at least an implication that Deckard was a replicant. Ford had numerous disagreements about this idea. He thought it was undermining his work as an actor and his interpretation of the character. This was one of the reasons why they had a huge fight about the film.
If you watch the original now with a mind of watching all Scott's hints, then yes even the original cut makes the implication. It just isn't concrete like it is now.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. When I first saw the theatrical version of Blade Runner on video in the mid1980s, it never even entered my mind that Deckard was anything other than human. But I was a little kid and wasn't prone to reading deeply enough into a movie to pick up on subtle hints. And as was mentioned, it wasn't very hinted at in the TV. All I knew was Harrison Ford was Han Solo and Indiana Jones, and I just wanted to watch BR because of that.
Now fast forward the better part of a decade and I rented the director's cut of BR as a teenager. Of course, my reaction was a mix of "wow!" and "what??" It challenged my previously held notion that Deckard was human, but I still wanted to think he was.
This movie seems to involve a lot of personal preference when it comes to the "is he/isn't he" question. Yeah, I know that after the DC, it's hard to see Deckard as not being a replicant, but in terms of personal preference, I just like aspects of the story better thinking Deckard is human. Like, human/human, not more "more human than human."
And that feeling I hold really comes down to one scene. Not that it's the only reason, but it's the one that stands out the most for me. When Roy Batty delivers his dying speech, the scene, for me, is made more poignant by thinking Deckard is a human. Again, just personal preference.
Sorry for going so long, just being nerdy. Thanks again for the great replies, they were very thought-provoking.
Most don't realize that in Blade Runner, the humans have an inferior status to the replicants. Replicants are "evolved robots". They are "more human than human". Subliminally, this says that humans are robots, less evolved than the replicants.
When Roy Batty delivers his dying speech, the scene, for me, is made more poignant by thinking Deckard is a human.
When Roy Batty delivers his speech in the rain, hands crossed over his torso in the pharaoh pose, a white dove appears. That is a direct reference to John baptizing Christ. "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove" John 1:32
When Roy Batty puts a nail in his hand, while chasing Deckard, that is direct reference to Christ nailed on the cross.
When you hear Roy Batty paraphrasing William Blake's verses "Fiery the angels fell" that is a reference to Satan, the fallen angel. The four replicants who descended on earth from the Off-world, is a reference to the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the four horses of Apollo (Lucifer, Torch Bearer)
When Tyrell tells Roy Batty that he is the Prodigal Son, the "Light That Burns Twice as Bright", that is a direct reference to Satan - How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth [...] You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God - Isaiah 14:12 and I, Jesus, [...] am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star - Revelation 22:16
Roy Batty reciprocates by calling Eldon Tyrell (Eloah Father of gods - look up etymologies for El, Don, Tyr) as Father.
What you are witnessing in Blade Runner - regardless of what Ridley Scott tells to the magazines for the masses - is Deckard's journey of spiritual transformation. Becoming a superior being. Transhumanism. From human, to more.
Up until he receives baptism from Roy Batty (Mad King, look up etymologies for Roy and Batty), Deckard is a golem, a blind critter, an automaton, a brute, a machine.
This movie presents the (non-christian) doctrine into which Ridley Scott had been initiated - he's a knight of the British crown (freemasonry). This doctrine considers anyone who has not yet been transformed spiritually by it, to be nothing more than an automaton, a mechanism, devoid of anything sacred. You, me, dudes like us, who haven't yet accepted Mad King in our hearts as our Lord and Savior, are simply numbers in their books, means of production, robots, assets, commodities.
Deckard falling in love with Rachael, is a reference to Babylonian feral Enkidu from Gilgamesh' epic, who is seduced by Shamhat - the sacred prostitute, into civilization. The corresponding Western symbol is Virgin and the Unicorn, explored at large in Ridley Scott's movie Legend, where a feral Tom Cruise is seduced into blah blah blah.
Pris, Roy Batty's lover, has incidentally been created to serve as a prostitute. Her name means both "pristine"(sacred, uncorrupted) and "prisca" (primordial). When you see Pris trying to hide from Deckard in Sebastian's flat by putting a bride's veil over her fiery mane, that's a direct reference to Lucifer's bride, the whore of Babylon.
Blade Runner is one of the precursors of seducing the masses into luciferianism, followed by dudes like Madonna, and today a horde of minions like Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Katy Perry. reply share
Tyr was the Father of Gods originally, the most ancient of Germanic gods, the etymology of Tyr being *dyew (god)
Interestingly, Roy mangling Deckard's right hand, between howls, is Fenrir biting Tyr's right hand.
Well, father or fvcker, depending on the cut.
Roy asks Tyrell "can the maker repair what he makes" and "Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for."
So Roy reciprocates to Tyrell as "the maker" and "the god" and he "lets you in heaven". observe that Tyrell let Roy into the pyramid.
Oh and Rachel - Hebrew for 'ewe' or can be 'little lamb,' a lamb to the slaughter? Deckard's ewe?
this is very heavy stuff.
You see, Jesus (lamb of God - created with the precise purpose of being sacrificed) is a woman, if you understand the code. Look up the Bible for these verses: it is a disgrace for man to have long hair, for man is the image of God - aka, only women have long hair in the Christian code; Jesus with long hair - as depicted in Christian art, is a woman. Man is the head of the woman, as God is the head of Christ - aka, Christ is a woman
in gnosticism, Eloah dwells in heaven, and Edem (divine mother - book of baruch) rules over earth. Incidentally, Jesus was created to rule over earth.
"woman" represents submission, obedience. The thing about these patriarchal religions, is that the enslaved, the subjugated, are being emasculated, through the figure of a Christ who has to be a man, for the male slave to be able to identify with him, a Christ that is essentially a woman.
Such is the relation between the masters of society and the enslaved males. Emasculation. Why is it necessary to emasculate the enslaved males in these patriarchal societies?
It's pretty simple: a bull is a hazard to the farmer. an ox - a castrated bull - is a lot more docile, and you can put it in the yoke with less difficulty. another reason is that historically, the alpha male would impregnate most of the females within a group, using his sons as workers-soldiers, expendable. that is, dudes like Dolan Trump or Mitt Romney, have 5 kids, each will most likely have a litter of 5 more, while you will probably have 1-2 kids at most, and your kids will have difficulty in having 1-2 kids in turn, if they don't succumb to the onslaught of trends encouraging them to identify themselves as lumbering robots, transgender, furries, bronies, pokemons, avengers, orcs and elves, etc. meanwhile, patriarchs like Ibn Saud of Arabia, has offspring numbered in the hundreds.
Consider the following: UK has a queen, not a king. EU is ruled by chancellor Angela Merkel. The presidents of France and Russia are garden gnomes - Sarkozy 165cm, Hollande 170cm, Medvedev 162cm, Putin 170cm. Obama is a ballerina, G.W.Bush an alcoholic, Clinton a clown, Reagan a drama queen, etc.
The perceived government is a bunch of effeminate chaps or addicts, incapable of governing even themselves. That's because the real rulers behind them, are beast. Immortan Joes. If the Rockefellers and the Duponts and the Morgans and the Rothschilds - and I'm most likely naming a bunch of proxies serving as scape goats - would present themselves to the people for real elections, the people would most likely wake up abruptly, like I wake up from a bad dream. How could one rule over a people that is awake? Impossible.
Observe how the philosopher's stone, is half man half woman. Therefore, in Blade Runner, both Rachael and Deckard, who are going to unite, display attributes of the same Christ figure.
Indeed, Rachael as an ewe, is the female image of Christ, in this luciferian masterpiece. reply share
Well, Jimmy dude, I totally understand and respect your discombobulation, in the face of such gibberish as Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invennies Occultum Lapidem and unicorns and doves and baptism in blood and robots created by God to serve him and stuff.
You bought this movie expecting a kids story with Han Solo and pew pew and explosions, and instead, what did they give you? A satanic incantation, written in an unknown language, possibly ordered from right to left, instead of left to right, and hanging upside down, as you can't really tell, because you only speak Engrish...
It's completely understandable, for you to exclaim: THIS IS MAGNETS, when you enthusiastically open the bible, expecting it to be written in Engrish, so you could read it to your nephews, and instead, you discover it's written in Gibbrew, and you don't know Gibbrew, at all, you didn't even know such thing existed!...
Feels like tumbling down the wabbit's black whore, after taking the wed pill... google "morpheus as above so below"
Feels like tumbling down the wabbit's black whore, after taking the wed pill... google "morpheus as above so below"
Hehe, are you for real? Did you forget your meds today? Perhaps you should read 'Future Noir, the making of Blade Runner" by Paul Sammon if you want some insight of what BR is all about.
"Lรณfaszt, nehogy mรกr. Te vagy a Blade ... Blade Runner"
Good point. If Jesus was (as we are told) born of a virgin, Jesus would only have XX chromosomes, and would be a 'bearded woman.'
You will have a revelation, as soon as you take a look at the Hebrew alphabet, each letter is also a symbol!
That is, words like Adam are in the same time an association of symbols. here a sample:
the word Adam (man) is written in Hebrew with the letters Aleph-Dalet-Mem the word Dam (blood) is written in Hebrew with the letters Dalet-Mem the word Adamah (earth) is written in Hebrew with the letters Aleph-Dalet-Mem-He the word Adom (red) is written in Hebrew with the letters Aleph-Dalet-vau-Mem the word Damah (dummy) is written with the letters Dalet-Mem-He the word Damut (face, form, image) is written with the letters Dalet-Mem-vau-Tav the word Domam (inanimate, still, quiet, dumb) is written with the letters Dalet-vau-Mem-Mem the word Ama (mother) is written with the letters Aleph-Mem-Aleph the word Maim (water) is written with the letters Mem-yod-Mem
Aleph is the first letter of the alphabet, symbol for God, First, Power, Leader, Bull. Dalet is symbol for Gate, Entering, Back and forth movement, Hanging. Mem is the symbol of for Blood, Water, Mystery, Question Mark. Tav is the last letter of the alphabet, symbol for Cross, Sign, Mark.
Thus, the letters for Adam, contain the symbols: God bull powerful boss (aleph) >>> moves back and forth, enters, gate (dalet) >>> mystery, blood, water, ??? (mem) >>> Man is created (aleph-dalet-mem).
Also, you can see how earth is red, blood is red, Jesus mom's bloody mysterious wet ??? is red.
Thus, Adam being a dumb dummy created by God from earth, is the embryo in the mother's womb. Without God, the virgin can not have a baby Jesus. It is necessary for God to move back and forth over her wet mystery, for son of man to take form, in God's image and according to his likeness, and come out from the red bloody watery thingy.
On second thought, scratch that, I'll just get too inside my own head and start wondering if I'm a replicant. Swear to Roy Batty, if I see an origami unicorn when I get home later, I'm outta here.
Scott has gone both ways and Ford says he wasn't(a repicant) so let's get that out of the way.
Now personally it occurred to me that if Deckard was a replicant he was a piss poor one seeing as how he was 0 fo 4 in unarmed combat against the fugitives. JMR.
Another part of the pro replicant argument for Deckard is that he cannot be too far above what a naturally born human can do because then the public could see that he is a replicant. Why? Because it is illegal for replicants to be on earth (as explained in the movie).
So, Deckard is tough and can take tremendous punishment as the viewer sees in the film. But he does not have other replicant powers; super strength, resistance to cold which would be a clear indication to the public that; 'This Guy Is A Replicant!'
As for the cost to Tyrell Corporation. It was in Tryrell's interest for the police to stop replicants on earth and keep them from getting to him. After all Roy killed him. - One Blade Runner cop, Holden, was put in a hospital by Leon. The police needed someone better, a replicant who was tough enough and smart enough to stop replicants. - Super rich Tyrell wouldn't mind paying for that added protection.
What it comes down to is which version of the movie do you prefer. In the original theatrical version he is human. In the directors cut he is a replicant. The sequel should answer this question, and my guess is that he'll just be a human. They'll want to make this a sequel to the version that has been most widely seen and that's the original theatrical version.