A great family Institution

Does anyone think this is a bad movie. I find it funny and the songs are great, and love in a weird situation, so who likes it?? I do.


I absolutely LOVE this movie!!!

"I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine, and he shall be my squishy!"



i do its gd lol

God bless,
Peace love


I have always found this film very entertaining, although I've never believed a minute of it;-).

Having lived both in Houston and Austin (and forever passing back and forth through LaGrange, the real "Gilbert, TX." during this time), I thoroughly enjoy all the references and scenes from my former homes as well.


I love this movie, and the stage musical as well. One of the best, in my opinion.

"They're justified, and they're ancient, and they drive an ice-cream van"




Especially that locker room scene. I can't wait to have kids so that I can make them watch that part... it will help to build my institution of family.


I love this movie. It's fun, has great cinematography, choreography, acting, singing, and timing. It's a shame that it's faded into obscurity as it has.


This is the way more movies should be made. Singing, dancing and SEX!!!!! Naked girls getting their private parts cooled by a fan and later doing the local farmer for a chicked or two. I hate the way that movies are turning their backs on good old fashioned fun nudity and sex scenes. Sex is good and good sex is better.



I heard in some countries fathers bring their teenage sons to brothels to teach them about sex. I have no idea if it is true or urban legend.
