I felt most sorry for the prostitutes
The focus of the story is mostly around the sheriff and Ms. Mona as pertaining to how they have known e/o for over 12 years but he can't come to say "I love you" and she thinks it will never work because of who they both are in society.
Dolly and Burt are what sold movie tickets and this is understandable but the women who worked in the home had some of the best music and dance sequences. Although not a single one of them has much of a role in the film with character development I thought they were the ones most deserving of the viewer getting a lump in the throat when they sing "Hard Candy Christmas".
Anyone else feel bad for the women?
Technically the movie has a happy ending but like the deputy turned sheriff says "It was the end of an era".
On a side note:
This movie captures what people really looked like in the 80s in TX. I visited the capitol building as a kid in the mid 80s and having seen this movie some 20-25 years later it just hit me like a ton of bricks "Wow...I was there around the time this was made and it looked like that".