This movie is the BEST!

A curse on all who do not like this film!

May you be dive bombed by eagles and chased by tigers (painted black, lol) and nibbled by ferrets!

This film should be aworded retroactive Oscars, it is the PERFECT example of a "Sword & Sorcery" movie.

This should be the "Casablanca" for the eighties-generation - it has everything : cheesy script, Tanya Roberts boobies, cheesy acting, Tanya Roberts boobies, cheesy acting and cheesy script and Tanya Roberts boobies - What is there about this movie not to like?

If you want to be entertained for a couple of hours, here is the recipe :

1) Get a few friends (for best results make sure they are over 25-30yrs old)
2) Get LOTS of alcohol
3) Insert (2) into (1)
4) Play a copy of "Beastmaster"
5) Relax and enjoy (ignore ANY "Well, it's not Lord of the Rings" comments - any who dare say that are either a) Pathetic Pretentious W@nkers, b) Under 25, c) Not Drunk Enough! or d) All Of The Above!!!!)
6) *Optional* Pretend YOU are the beastmaster and talk to animals/use any household object as a sword and go NUTS! lol

The purpose of MOST movies is simply to ENTERTAIN - Don't expect every film to change the world.

