The Movie Conan SHOULD have been
This is THE best Sword & Sorcery movie ever made (and I'm lucky enough to have met Don Coscarelli a few times and told him so). This story begins and unfolds in the true, Robert E. Howard sense - and Marc Singer was perfect for the role of Dar of the Emorites! His physique looked just the way one would imagine a Barbarian warrior's physique to look - i.e. not gained at World Gym in Venice Beach CA like Arnold Schwarzenegger's; I mean, Conan never went to a gym - he got his muscles from good solid Barbarian genes and swinging a sword since before he was a teenager! Anyway, this movie has it all, and it's all fantastic. The leader of the Jun is terriying and when you first see him you just know he's in for it and can't wait for the showdown between him and Dar. I will always love this movie - a sort of Tarzan set in the sword & sorcery world.