x-files spoofed this

do you remember the episode called "the circus" where vincent schiavelli worked in some kind of freak-show? he had a siamese twinbrother who already lived in his body. very weird episode. the twinbrother was searched for a new "brother".


I remember that episode. It actually lead me to rent Basket Case again.

I don't dodge guilt, and I don't Jew out of paying my comeuppance.



Er, I'm assuming the line about Jews is in the guy's signature and he didn't properly quote it. If it's not a quote, that's unfortunate, but I guess we should give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a joke or something. Possibly in bad taste, but people have found worse things funny.


Actually his quote is ACCURATE.. although I think it should have been credited. It's from Kill Bill vol. 2 on Bud (Micheal Madsen) talking to his brother Bill on accepting the guilt for his part in the death (well they tried) of Beatrix Kiddo. While the word choice may not be great.. it is a fantastic scene.


I bet it it was about another race/culture you wouldnt care


I bet you have ABSOLUTELY no justification for that challenge. Please, die.

Monster Squad for DVD in 2006: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/monstersquad


X Files did a spin off of Chain Saw in their epesode called "Home"


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Shiftyswitchblade's "anti-Semitic" signature is actually from Kill Bill part 2, so you can all rest easy rather than branding him a bigot

Eight year olds, Dude!


Why are you telling me this? I was just typing random letters, not accusing my fellows of being anti-Semitic.


I was replying to the posters above who were accusing shiftyswitchblade of anti-Semitism, not you. Sorry for the confusion

Eight year olds, Dude!




I take it freedom of speech doesnt exist anymore? Is being intolerant of intoerance.......intolerant? Does anyone Know where i can download Basket case 2 and 3 from seeing as its impossible to buy in sunny friggin England!!


Dude I bought 2 and 3 from HMV- they cost 7 quid

Ancient Chinese Porverb- He who stand on toilet seat is high on pot



How about impossible to buy anywhere BUT "sunny friggin England"!

Death is but a door, time is but a window...I will be back.


To correct something the original poster stated, the episode of the X-Files with the killer parasitic twin is called "Humbug", not "The Circus".


Yes the X-files did have a similar creature. He was known at the "Figi Mermaid" The title of the story was "Humbug" and it is a classic x-files. The story actually does not come from Basket Case though. Ringling Brothers or Barnum Bailey circus were always trying to trick their audience and usually succeeded. They took a mummified monkey and sewed on to the back a fish tail and told everyone who entered "this is the Fiji Mermaid". It was a hoax. this is where x-files got their idea. But there are similarities. Both were vicious and fast. Both killed much larger prey. Basket Case wanted revenge for the separation. Fiji Mermaid wanted to reattach itself to someone because of loneliness.


That episode is one of my favorite Xfiles. I love the ending.. "must have been something I ate"


Just seen this movie the now there and thought about that X-Files episode while I was watching it.
