Favorite Episodes

My favorite "T.J. Hooker" episodes (all starring Heather Locklear, of course):

Carnal Express (3.02)

The Obsession (5.9)
Exercise in Murder (3.15)
Trackdown (4.13)
Outcall (4.14)
Blood Sport (5.16 & 5.17)


The episode where Adrian Zmed gets shot in the head and becomes afraid to do his job. It is my favorite because it's the only episode I've ever seen.


this was the episode number 11. THE SURVIVAL SYNDROME. it's on the DVD season release of t.j. hooker.


i love the one where HOOKER's hangin' on the hood of a bad guy's speeding car, and he's talking to ZMED and LOCKLEAR with his [shoulder] radio....they ask him if he got the plate number, and he says wait a minute, kicks off one of his shoes and reads the plate number with his FOOT as the car careens wildly down the road!?! oops, wait - that was a sketch from when SHATNER hosted SNL! sorry! haha....


any with James Darren


I have two favorites.

1.Carnal Express (3.2)-Because of Heather Locklear going undercover at the "Pleasure Palace" dancing around on stage in that outfit!!! Not once, but twice! Also, the best TV bad guy of all time, Richard Lynch, is in it.

2. The Streets (1.2)-Simply for the fact that Hooker Jumps on that bus in the episode and has a great chase scene earlier. Gary Frank(Family) also is a great bad guy.


This is a great show, I have only seen a few of the episodes, though, on A&E.
But two of them I really liked was the one where he discovers a murdered young girl on the beach, and avenges her death. Its the one where Hooker jumps from the helicopter into the boat.
Also, the one I saw the other night, called "Deadlock", where Hooker gets trapped in an elevator with a jewelry robber.



that was THE LIPSTICK KILLER with the late David Huffman as dr. travers. the actor, DAVID HUFFMAN, was murdered himself a year after this episode was produced.
