Recurring theme?

It seems like every episode I watch there is a bad cop or government official. I saw one with Spock/Nimoy as a detective that planted evidence seeking revenge for his daughter being raped, and am watching one now where a detective is an alcoholic and seeking revenge for his partner that was injured.

Note to writers:
If you must kill off a character, make it the sunglasses dude on CSI Miami!


It happened in a few episodes. But I think it's more a coincidence of the episodes you happen to catch. I can think of about four or five episodes in the show's run with that theme, but I wouldn't say it was an overused device.

Two other examples from the one you gave are the coward cop from "The Trial" and the overzealous detective in "Deadly Ambition"


I think they did that sometimes to give Hooker something to work off of. He was great when someone got in his way. They made the show better in my opinion. I would have liked to see them use Stacey as a dancer in the "Pleasure Palace" more than once. She was so hot in that outfit.


Hooker's bad toupee is a metaphor for the bad toupee of justice that is the LAPD!
