MovieChat Forums > T.J. Hooker (1982) Discussion > One thing that doesn't quite make sense....

One thing that doesn't quite make sense...

In one episode (forget the name of it,) T.J. tries to help out a friend of his who partakes in racing cars down mountain roads. We learn that T.J. himself was a champion mountain racer, then he became a cop. O.K...what? I thought T.J. had served in Vietnam, then came back to the states and became a cop. So...what happened in what order? Was he a mountain racer first, then a Vietnam vet, then a cop? Or did he come back from Vietnam and did mountain racing for awhile, then became a cop? Anyone have any ideas?


The episode was "King of the Hill." I got the impression that Hooker was a hill racer after he got back from Vietnam, because James Darren's character says something to Romano along the lines that he and Hooker were supposed to race to see who would be King of the Hill, but Hooker skipped out to take some kind of exam related to being a cop (maybe to get into the police academy . . . can't remember the details).

This show, while thouroughly entertaining, was never too concerned with plot details/inconsistencies. After all, Romano was a Vietnam vet, too, even though in one episode Hooker refers to Romano as being 22 or 23 years old. In the early 80s. Unless you can enlist in the army at age 10, I'm not sure I understand how this makes sense in any universe. Better to just ignore these details, I suppose . . .


I suppose the Romano-Vietnam vet angle could possibly be explained if Romano was meant to be in his mid-to-late twenties (i.e. older than he looked) and he had only served in Vietnam in the last years of the conflict. (The last American troops left Vietnam in 1975)


I never remember Hooker referring to Ramano's age. He always called him junior. His actual age was 28 when it started, so he could have served at the end of the Vietnam war.


Champion mountain racer? Oh of course! Ha ha ha.


When did he find the time to become a surf god and hang out with The Beach Boys too?

Romano's 'Nam reminiscences are always so ridiculous.


That episode was just on here in Aus, comedy gold.
With that whimpy bad guy trying to look mean and brooding all the time.

and his poor blonde ranchers daughter girlfriend who doesnt want to help with the robberies anymore.

Eat the Neocons.


i'm not sure why the nam references are ridiculous. He could have served at the end of the war. T.J. Hooker came on in the 1982, only 7 years after the war ended.


Just ONE thing??! That doesn't make sense?

Like one episode where some guy was going to blow up the station. The Capt. had a choice: the entire SWAT team. Or Hooker and Romano. Easy call: Hooker and Romano. Later Hooker does some nice karate chop moves to save the day!
