MovieChat Forums > T.J. Hooker (1982) Discussion > What's the episode where...

What's the episode where...

...the villain has a huge silver semi-automatic pistol, like an 44 Automag or a Wildey?

During the climax he shoots Hooker, blowing him off a roof (it seems) but when he peaks over the ledge he hesitates seeing Hooker holding his chest and kevlar vest, and Hooker shoots him dead.


Wow, I am an avid T.J. Hooker fan and I can't think of it. I don't remember that happening where he's shot off the roof (it seems).


The villain might have shot Hooker off the roof into a shaft. When he peeks over the ledge he sees Hooker only a storey below on a platform or something.


I'm looking for the episode where Hooker jumped on a moving object like a car, bus, boat or airplane? Any idea what the name of that episode was
