'Stan Lee' narration

This show was narrated by a voice actor identifying himself as Stan Lee (Spider-Man co-creator, Marvel Comics spokesmodel, etc.). The IMDb says the narration was actually by Stan, but it definitely was not, as it sounded nothing like him. I'm pretty sure it was the late voice talent and actor Jackson Beck. (You know him -- voice of Little Caesar's pizza commercials, narrator of Woody Allen's Take the Money and Run, loads of other things.) Does anybody know if it was in fact Jackson Beck narrating this show, and if so can you point me to some kind of documentation? It's sending me into a rather serious obsession spiral.

Mr. Book.

Five cents, please.


I don't know about any of that sh!t.
But did Jackson Beck do the intro narration to the TV-sitcom, THE ODD COUPLE?

Meanwhile, we're talking about drugs and rock'n'roll. Where are you?



You know, I can't hear in my mind the narration to The Odd Couple, but I'd still say the answer is "probably." In my recent experience, pretty much whenever you hear a voice talent with an unusually cool or distinctive voice, it's Jackson Beck. I may have to take this question to INTK, but I figured I'd let it lie here long enough to "find an audience."

Meanwhile, we're talking about drugs and rock'n'roll [what, no sex?]. Where are you?
Mainly over at Wikipedia, saving the world. (That's what got me onto the Spider-Man / Jackson Beck thing.) I need to drop in on that drugs conversation, but anything on the Classic Film or Music boards just intimidates and overwhelms me into not replying -- just too much to keep up with.

Five cents, please.


What intimidation? We started a whole new subthread based on my reply to you here: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000051/thread/39467135?d=39726738#39726738
And where were you?

And I was really hoping this other guy would answer my question, "No, I don't know that joke; please tell it" ... (Do you know it?)

Can you give us a sample of your Wikipedia'isms?



Ok, call me crazy, but I thought the narrator sounded exactly like Stan Lee. I've seen him on several interviews and the voice of the narrator sounds dead-on like Stan Lee.


Stan Lee narrated Season One, William Marshall narrated Season 2, & Season 3 was Rob Feinberg.

I already knew for a fact that Stan Lee had done Season one (I recognized his voice), while the other two men -- didn't know their names, so I looked them up on the Spider-Friends website.

Here's the link to the Voice Cast page:


The Red Baron
