
Why was it that in Season 7 and 8 it seemed every landmark in town was named jonnycake? There was jonnycake swamp, jonnycake bog, jonnycake creek, and jonnycake mall just to name a few. Prior to season 7 I don't think the word jonnycake was used once.


Different writers took over in season 7. Probably an inside joke-- maybe it was something they ate in the writers room when they were working on story ideas.


Seems kinda lazy to me. At least they renamed the bridge after Harley Estin. lol


I don't know but the weirdest thing. I am listening to background music "Brown Girl in the Ring" by Boney-M. And right when I read this title they sand "we had fried fish and Johnny Cakes".

Kind of a coincidence, no?


Some areas are like that in real life. Ever been to Ohio? It seems like every other place is called Sandusky. In Atlanta there is a Peachtree Blvd, Peachtree Lane, Peachtree Avenue etc. My husband and I were so confused when we visited Georgia. This was before GPS. Then in Michigan every other place is Marquette.

Anyway, Johnny Cake is a sweet cornbread. It's almost always yellow. It isn't a true cornbread which is flatter and made with white corn. More like what the Native Americans ate. I like the latter, having been raised on it.

*The Manitou is in and will take your calls now.
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