
Did the cards for the game actually do anything? I don't remember if they explained the rules past rolling the die, moving your wing nut, doing a chore, and getting 9 points. If not, shouldn't they have realized sooner, the first player would always win?

I'd be partial to a hex bolt myself.


I didn't think it looked like a very fun game, but it sure was a fun episode to watch. 


...shouldn't they have realized sooner, the first player would always win?

Yeah, I was wondering why no one would have realized that.

But then you gotta remember that everything that happens on the show is all part of Bob's dream.


George (filling out the game squares): "Remove dead mouse from mousetrap, get 9 points."
Dick: "You've got 18 points under the desk here, George."

I always thought that episode was a twin of the episode where Michael becomes famous as a self-help guru. In both episodes, the town all jumps on this bandwagon (except for Dick, who thinks it's stupid), only to turn on the person responsible at the end.


Bob Newhart was in Cold Turkey, and most likely brought the "crazy town up in arms" angle to Newhart.


Cold Turkey was such a funny movie; it deserves more than 'cult fave' status. Especially considering all the familiar names and faces in the cast.

Handyman was spot-on; a lot of fads are stupid. (ie, Selfies, Pokemon. "Gotta get them all!") Bah, humbug.
