MovieChat Forums > Newhart (1982) Discussion > 5 favorite episodes from Season 5?

5 favorite episodes from Season 5?

This board had '5 favorite episode' threads for the previous seasons when they were released on dvd, so I thought I'd start one for the recently released Season 5. My choices are:

1) High Fidelity: Everyone in town, except Dick, starts to believe that Joanna is having an affair with another man. Hilarious episode from start to finish, especially when Dick decides to confront them.

2) Desperately Desiring Susan: Two-part episode about Michael and an intern at the station becoming romantically involved. A rare time when the Michael/Stephanie relationship was treated seriously, but still remained funny. One of Julia Duffy's stronger performances in the series.

3) Co-Hostess Twinkie: Dick is given a new show, but he's not thrilled with who Michael chooses as his co-host. Julie Brown steals the episode with her wonderful portayal of the overly perky Buffy Denver.

4) Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Loudon: After Dick loses it on the air and insults a guest, he regrets it until he notices that the show is getting more popular. With Michael's encouragement, Dick slowly turns into a Morton Downey type of talk show host, even though it goes against his beliefs.

5) Night Moves: After a fight with Joanna, Dick looks for someplace else to sleep for the night. It was ambitious to make this simple idea carry the entire episode, but it worked. Cheers copied this same idea a few years later in an episode where Sam went from place-to-place looking for somewhere to sleep for the night.

And my pick for worst episode of Season 5...

Dick The Kid: Dick decides to spend some time on a ranch living his boyhood dream of becoming a cowboy. It's so absurd, it almost feels like a totally different show. The subplot about Stephanie getting the Darryls to do her work is also kind of lame. It's a love it or hate it episode. I hate it.

Anyone else want to share their choices?


1. Chimes are a Changing-loved the episodes centered around the town's people. 2. Jail, jail, the Gang's all here!-love Larry and the Darryls, and also the cutest couple in town. 3. Dick the Kid-disagree with the OP. Hilarious. 4. Night Moves-the only one the OP and I agree on for top 5. 5.Much ado about Muffin- it was good to see Michael more like a real guy instead of a caricature.


'Dick the Kid' is one I definitely like. I remember when it first aired, and it's always stuck in my mind. What's notable about it is that it takes place away from Vermont, more than any other episode (including ones where Dick went to New York).

The 'Night Moves' story was not original, sorry to say. It had been done years earlier on a season 6 episode of 'Bonanza.' It was called 'A Good Night's Rest'-- Adam can't get any peace and quiet at the Ponderosa, so he goes to the hotel in Virginia City to sleep. But all kinds of calamitous things happen in town, preventing him from getting a good night's rest.

My top 5 for season 5:

1. It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want of Lyle Talbot's last screen appearances. The first act builds to him croaking, and the second act has that memorable memorial service, where the Vanderkellens show a bit of heart, if only for a moment. I felt Stephanie really grew as a character in this episode.

2. 'Chimes They are a Changin'...very charming, like something out of Norman Rockwell. Definitely a series highpoint, the way the townsfolk, despite various quirks, come together to fix the bell tower.

3. 'Thanksgiving for the Memories'...another very good story with the Vanderkellens front and center. Jose Ferrer was perfect as Stephanie's father.

4. 'Dick the Kid'...mentioned above.

5. 'Fun with Dick and Joanna'...clever title, and it was nice to see the Loudons try to spice up their relationship.


1. Co Hostess Twinkie- Dick is given a new co hostess on a new TV show, the ever peppy and giggling Buffy Denver. Julie Brown is hilarious as Buffy and the funniest scene is when Dick admonishes Buffy and she starts to cry, making him look like a nasty creep.

2. Dick The Kid-Dick decides to try his boyhood dream of becoming a cowboy. I don't think this is a totally different show,it has Dick in a different situation and it doesn't turn out the way he thought,which is typical of most of the best episodes. Funniest moment is when Dick thinks the cowhands are getting ready for a manly night of five card stud, when the leader tells him it is video night and they are watching "The Muppets Take Manhattan"!

3. Dr Jekyll And Mr Loudon- When Dick loses his temper with an obnoxious guest, Michael decides to turn Vermont Today into a confrontational talk show. Newhart's reactions are hilarious when the announcer introduces him as Dick "THE RIPPER" LOUDON!!!

4.Goodbye and Good Riddance Mr Chips-Dick takes a typing class taught by his stern old 6th grade teacher (William Windom} One of my favorites of all time with non stop laughs as the teacher treats the adults like children, Dick ends up being the class troublemaker and there is a funny performance by one guy as a kiss-up teachers pet type.

5. Much To Do Without Muffin- Stephanie is away for the weekend so George invites lonely Michael to a special dinner at the Beaver Lodge. Peter Scolari is very funny in this one, and ends up actually enjoying being with the guys,much to Stephanie's shock when she returns. Russell Johnson of Gilligan's Island has a cameo but you have to look quick for him.


This has never happened before: I agree with almost everyone about almost every post! I loved the 'crazy' British guy in Dr. Jekyll, and Edwin Newman's disdainful cameo at the end. Julie Brown is terrific as Buffy Denver, and I always think of her when Brown shows up on The Middle. Loved Stephanie's horror at Michael's newfound friends,"Is this what you're really like when I'm not around?" The big spaghetti stain on the usually impeccably groomed Michael's shirt. The quirky townsfolk in the bell tower episode; ie "Now I'm going to have to wait through a whole Mod Squad syndication cycle to see Link cry!!" I kind of liked Dick the Kid. Fave line, when a character says something like,"Wednesday is Salad Night in the mess hall; we need the roughage" and a disillusioned Dick grouses,"I wanted adventure, not the Lazy Quiche Ranch."
