MovieChat Forums > Newhart (1982) Discussion > I don't get this show

I don't get this show

I love Bob Newhart, I love his first show, and I hate this one. I don't find anything about it funny. What is so hysterical about introducing the Darryls in every episode? And the audience roars with laughter and applause. The writing is predictable, the acting second rate, especially with characters like Kirk, the same jokes are used over and over again to the point where it becomes sickening to me. I hate this show. And to those who think I'm trolling, I just watched it again on Antenna TV and the stupidity and bad writing and acting made me angry all over again.


Really? I watched it to so glad for it to be in reruns again. Loved it then loved it tonight. Couldn't stop laughing.


Do you laugh every time the Darylls are introduced?


Actually, they would change up the Darryls intro. It wasn't always the same. In one episode for example, the second Darryl became the leader. That's just one example, and I personally loved Larry, Darryl, and Darryl.


Yeah, there were times where it was a little different. One time they came in and Larry just introduced himself and the first Darryl and Dick asks about the other Darryl and Larry replied, "Darryl refuses to be a part of this here conversation."


No well did tonight because its been so long since I've seen a ep. But i like the show found it funny. Think its as much of a classic as the Bob newhart show.


We agree to disagree.


To follow something as classic as The Bob Newhart Show is a tough thing to do. Different characters, different setting, different writers, etc.
While I don't think it is as funny as TBNS, I do think there are funny moments on Newhart. Tom Poston is great opposite the dead pan Bob Newhart at least IMHO. I also agree that the Daryl thing was beat to death after the first three or four times. But running gags are rarely funny unless they have some kind or variation on the same theme.
Also, I thought it much funnier after the show evolved. After they got rid of Kirk and brought in Stephanie and Peter Scolari's character it got much funnier (again this is all IMHO)


I agree that it got funny when Stephanie and Peter Scolari's character arrived. Also, I liked the brothers running gag. It was something to look forward to.

Black men and a whole lot of *beep* white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass!


jackgriffin1-1 ....
No,I don;t think you're trolling but I do think you're overstating
yourself to the point that,as I read what you've typed,I can;t help but laugh.

Folks like you who appear to get bent out of shape emotionally over how much you hate a TV show,really crack me up. I knowthat you tuned into Antenna Tv,like most of us and (I guess) were reminded of what you may have felt for it origianlly. (That is if you werre actaully old enough in the 80s/1990 to have seen it.)

If you don;t like it,that okay,it's your opinion. But you don't
have rave on like a guy who just got cheated in an old wild west card game.



Why does he care so much? Lol! Besides that he's wrong. It's a great show!



Totally disagree. I liked this more than TBNS, although I'm a fan of both.



To me, the Bob Newhart Show was a true comedy classic--one of the funniest sitcoms in history. Newhart was a frequently hilarious show that had many episodes that were only somewhat funny, and, like almost all series, some that were too dumb to be funny.

In trying to find points with which to agree with you, Jackgriffin, I will say that the repeated introducing of the Darryls seemed, mostly, a bore to me and I did not understand the studio audience roaring in laughter over that repeated bit. There were some times when they changed it up and it was funny, but too often it was the same dumb thing and wasn't funny.

The addition of Michael (Peter Scolari) and Stephanie was one of the best things this series ever did. Their weird relationship was greatly funny for the most part. I also liked the goofy guys at the studio when Dick got his TV series, particularly whenever something went wrong and the one guy would say something like, "Good job, DICK!"

Since you went through this series a second time recently, I suspect there were some elements you liked and that you are exaggerating the dumb parts you didn't like in your post. If you remember your reaction this time, you will likely avoid viewing it a third time.


I only started watching because it debuted on AntennaTV and I hadn't seen it for a long time. I saw 3 episodes and stopped. That was enough for me.


I think the simplest thing to say is, a "star's"
follow up series is not usually as good as the one everyone knows.

However, I doubt CBS would have kept it for 8 years ,if
it didn't have good acting, god writing and a solid fan base & ratings.

The groundbraking shows of the 1970s, for all,were pretty hard to top once the 1980s started. Really, aside from Facts Of Life,Cheers & Family Ties (and this show) the "really" good sitcoms of the '80s didn't start until 1984.

IIf you know any other "good" pre-
1984,after 1979-1980 sitcoms, let me know.)

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 🐕 *arf,man!*


Bosom Buddies? Too Close For Comfort? Who's the Boss? Square Pegs? Maybe not classics, but I'd still rather watch some of these rather than Newhart.



Season 1 & part of Season 2 - Not Good
BUT - as time goes on these characters really gel - if that's your thing -
I can understand you not liking what you saw - currently season 3 on Antenna TV - it's starting to pick up for sure (better writing & acting)
Heck - we all can't be wrong

Like to know if you get it at some point


It's actually not as bad as I remember, but the Larry/Darylls crap is ridiculous. Last night those idiots almost got a standing ovation the second time they appeared. And the audiences laugh hysterically at every other line. It's not THAT funny.


I think both series had their strengths and weaknesses. In TBNS I got really tired of Howard; and I didn't think Carol and Jerry really added much to the show. Emily had her moments, but the best part was the members of his therapy group, especially Carlin, Petersen and Bakerman--and some of the other odd characters that appeared in only single episodes.

The second series, Newhart, was also good, with the contrast between the reasonable Dick Loudon and the quirky, sometimes really weird townsfolk. Larry, Darryl and Darryl got a bit tiresome as time went by, as did Stephanie and Michael. But there were some other really hilarious characters, such as Chester Wanamaker and Jim Dixon.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. -- A. Einstein


I think Jim & Chester (and probably George too) hold up the best. Michael & Stephanie were yuppie stereotypes for the most part, while they did manage to grow/evolve somewhat. But these other guys were just so sharply written and played that they seem most like real people with eccentric behaviors, instead of run-of-the-mill sitcom creations.


» Mon Jan 5 2015 19:59:12
IMDb member since March 2002

..... And to those who think I'm trolling, I just watched it again on Antenna TV and the stupidity and bad writing and acting made me angry all over again

Life's too short! Why make yourself angry all over again?

"Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night"


The whole thing with the brothers was originally a one joke thing, but the audience loved them so they came back. It was supposed to be funny that they would enter and Larry would always introduce themselves the same way, even though he would be talking to the people who already knew them.
