Buffy Denver

She was only in two episodes - which was not enough. I wish we could've seen more of her.

Both her episodes were really, really, really, really classics.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


Both her episodes were really, really, really, really classics.

I agree. They really were. LOL

But she was best in limited doses. Her routine would have gotten old fast. And if they did use her more, they would have had to tone her down and show a little more vulnerability and humanness. She was definitely a caricature in the two episodes where she appeared. But a long-term character has to be more than that.


Agree. She was too much but could've been a good sidekick for Stephanie who appeared to have almost no friends in her age group.


One of my favorite exchanges of the series...

BUFFY: Dickie!!!! How are you???

DICK: I was fine.
