MovieChat Forums > Knight Rider (1982) Discussion > Did Michael's parents think he was dead?...

Did Michael's parents think he was dead?

Was Michael's family aware that he was still alive after being shot? I can't imagine if his parents were still living he'd willingly let them go on believing he was dead, and Michael was relatively young so I doubt his parents were dead, opinions?


it kind of hard to fake your death if everyone thinks your alive. Michael Long WAS dead.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


His parents were dead so it really didn't matter.


I can't claim to have seen every episode of Knight Rider, or even most (at least since I was a kid). But even though it was far from a "serious" drama, it would've benefited from mining a bit more drama from Michael's transition and coping with what he left behind (ala Robocop).

Here Michael takes everything in stride. One minute he's a cop with an established life; a house, friends and family. They next he has a new mug, a Member's Only jacket and he's zipping across the country in a talking car and he never misses a beat.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


One minute he's a cop with an established life; a house, friends and family.

Actually, we don't know any of that. He might have rented an apartment rather than owning a house. He might have been one of those people who lived for his job, with not much of a social life, other than chasing the babes, of course. And his parents might have passed away by that time already.


True, but either way a functioning adult would at the very least have loose ends that would need to be tied up. And that he was willing and able to just walk away from his old life without a moment's hesitation just doesn't ring true by today's standards. I'm sure not many questioned it back in 1982, but today you'd have to explain all of that a bit better.


He might have rented an apartment rather than owning a house.

In the Season 2 episode "Knightmares", I think that is the title name, Michael goes to a Dam, and the villain throws a grenade at him. The shockwave throws Michael into the Dam, and Michael gets partial Amnesia from the impact.

Michael forgets about being Michael Knight.

Michael goes to Michael Long's APARTMENT building which no longer exists.


"Michael goes to Michael Long's APARTMENT building which no longer exists."

Why would you write 'apartment' in all capitals?

".. it would've benefited from mining a bit more drama"

If people like you ever made these kinds of decisions, I would stop watching TV altogether.

Look, this show has WAY too much drama as-is. As a kid, I just zoned it out while waiting for K.I.T.T. to appear.

Nowadays, I still hate the drama and see no value in it. I don't know why it's there, except to please the female audiences (who wouldn't watch a show like this anyway, as there are _plenty_ of 'chick shows' out there even in early 1980s, and almost every single movie has 'injected romance' anyway, and then there are separate 'chick flicks' that consist of that stuff)..

Why would you want MORE this kind of sappy stuff, when you can have a more relaxing, more exciting, more escapist TV show where you don't have to always feel 'down', but you can just have fun?

Is it fun for you to be depressed and traumatized?


I would agree that they could've fleshed out 'Michael Long', his life and character a bit more, but there's no need to make this another robocop, we already have a robocop for that. This is about a 'supercar' and upbeat, feel-good experience with simple stories where good triumphs over evil, and that's that.

Not every single thing in the world needs to be some brooding, gloomy, dark emo-fest of misery and depression. Don't you have enough that kind of material if that's your bag?

Anyway, they did a Michael Long-episode, and I think that's enough. After all, Michael Knight + K.I.T.T. is a MUCH more interesting pair than 'Michael Long + ordinary car', wouldn't you say?

Your request is like wanting Back to the Future to focus on Marty II instead of Marty I (you know, the marty that comes back from the past into Marty I's past present, with wimpy dad, alcoholic mom, dead doc, and Biff being a powerful bully - and no car of his own, only a skateboard).

Still, having young, gorgeous Claudia Wells as girlfriend is pretty nice compensation. But still, would you rather follow _HIS_ story? (Well, I guess YOU would.. but not me)


It doesn't have to be all dark and dramatic, but it could definitely have added a little more realism in that regard. He had a previous life, one he even remembers. It's kind of absurd how easily he accepts his identity and never looks back.


We don't know that as the show never really established anything about his parents.

Coronation Hillary? This is bad comedy. - Galvatron.


I'm currently watching the entire series on DVD and in the episode "Knight and Knerd" Michael mentions that his father is dead.


They'd be embarrassed by him.


It was mentioned that he didn't have any living family. Probably one of the reasons the foundation selected him.
