MovieChat Forums > The Comic Strip Presents... (1982) Discussion > Strike!, Bad News, The Yob and 5 Go Mad....

Strike!, Bad News, The Yob and 5 Go Mad.. are the best ones

They were my favourites. I also loved the one where they all go on the club 18-30 and they find out that one of them (was it Nigel Planer or Keith Allen?) is actually 34 and start calling him Grandad. Ha ha.
Great shows they all were and never get repeated.



Oh yeah forgot about Mr Jolly!!!


As has been said so many times - and quite rightly, there's no accounting for taste, but can those who dislike, in particular, Didn't You Kill My Brother? and The Yob explain why? Ta.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


I'm getting paranoid now. My posts seem to kill threads stone dead. See also:

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


I agree with you on most of that except that I totally hated The Yob, you couldn't pay me to watch that one again! but I guess everyone has different tastes and therefore different favourites.

I can take or leave Funseekers, although the bit where they found out Nigel's character was 34 was pretty funny :D

I have to agree with PenultimateMoon about you missing out Mr Jolly, that one is definately in my top 3 favourites (after the 2 Bad News ones).

"Never every bloody anything ever!"
