Gino: Full Story and Pics opening music?
Does anyone know what the opening music is called and the band that performs it?
It's very punky, and I love it.
Does anyone know what the opening music is called and the band that performs it?
It's very punky, and I love it.
Think at the end, Goose, it sez Mario someone composed/played it - I thought at the time it sounded very much like the guitar playing by Steve Jones (Lead guitarist with the Sex Pistols) it had that kind of sound to it. Tc!
shareMario Tavares.
I've tried to Google the name but nothing but a can of worms pops up.
Steve Jones is a good call, but I think it maybe a little too fast even for him. It reminds me more of Stan Lee, Lead Guitarist with The Dickies. Their track 'Paranoid' is a good example of his style.