Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
Really? Pray tell, what facts have you set forth? The R.C comment can be construed as Hooper knowing that Charles Ryder was an artist and had an interest in these matters of art and architechture.
precisely does Charles speak of his conversion?? "Three dimensions" can also be interpreted as acceptance of a greater force, not necessarily indicative of his conversion to Catholicism. I am second to none in my assertion that Charles does, indeed, emerge more spiritual and attuned to the Universe.
Look, think what you want to think, believe what you want to be believe. As long a as you mention the keyboard, you're just another person who knows how to type. Or are you a self appointed arbiter and interpreter of great literature? No, I didn't think you were.
I think if Waugh were alive he would be thrilled that his 60 year old work, generally considered the greatest British novel of the 20th Century, was being discussed and debated. YOU have gone through every single post here and shot down everyone who had the nerve to disagree with you.
I've been known use my invective here as well. But I resolve in 2007 not to do that anymore and, if I do, it will be directed toward someone who's worth the energy and effort expended. You don't fit the bill, I'm afraid. So take your opinions and (fill in the blank.) Get over yourself -- nobody begrudges you your thoughts. Why not have some respect and courtesy for the views of others?
Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.