Bring Out The DVD

This movie is a terrific horror movie filled with suspense. I hope for a DVD release every year around halloween and every year I'm dissappointed. When will Fox release this movie and Terror Train on DVD?


I have good news! This film will be released by anchor bay in late 2005 on dvd.
Go to the anchor bay website and click on coming attractions,and then go to in the future. There you will see many titles soon to be released,you will have to scroll down a ways but you will get the details on the release.


Awesome! Another 80's classic that I'd love to rediscover on DVD. Let's hope the great people at Anchor Bay pull out all the stops for a proper release of this chilling Canadian film. One special feature that I hope they do would be a Michael Ironside(a standout)commentary track. That would ROCK & be the icing on the cake. LONG LIVE THE 80'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anchor Bay puts out some great DVD's. I just went to the website and they have pushed back the release date to 2006, although they don't specify what month or what time of year. Hopefully it's soon!


the dvd is being released march 14th by anchor bay


It's been pushed back to 4/18 according to


Here is Terror Train-


Good news: The DVD is out today (May 9th, 2006). Long live Anchor Bay!


I picked up a copy of the DVD from Wal-mart maybe two weeks ago. Pretty good show.

Sean Wallace
Wallace Entertainment

