What a stinker!

Implausible story....The Stallone charachter was dumb and not needed...the players wanting to play rather than escape during half-time, Not showing how Stallone characther was recaptured, the Germans not shooting the Stallone character in civilian clothing, etc.etc.etc...and so on!!! Also, the story is a bit of a rip-off from an episode of Hogans Heroes where Sgt. Kincloe has to box one of the prison guards.
BBC America had this on this past Sunday for their Brit Movie of the week, it just goes to show you how little they respect their viewers and they probably put it on because it was inexpensive.


It's a movie for goodness sakes, not a documentary. Allow yourself to enjoy it tightass



My God! So there are plot holes in 'Escape to Victory'?????


Escape To Victory is the best film ever made. Plot holes, Sly Stallone being in goals anoll. Perfect



Have to say, it's a guilty pleasure and I think it is a film that's always going to be enjoyed more by the British. Stallone's character really wasn't needed, no. I think he was there to try and appeal to American audiences. You just have to take it for what it is- a light hearted, morale boosting festive favourite (that should be taken with a pinch of salt)!


i think to REALLY enjoy the movie you have to know "something...anything" about soccer (or football if you're not American). OR you can watch it for the historical content, it has to be true to a point.

I love the British accents of the respective characters...yes that includes Michael Caine BTW. That alone is worth the watch.

Also, according to actors' bios between here and WIKI, there are at least three "Leos" in this movie. Today is my birthday...Leos UNITE!!!


I'm with zeero-1. "Victory" is a stinker. And it stole so much from "The Great Escape" and "Bridge on the River Kwai".


It's about a group of POW's during WWII planning an escape. Believe it or not it was a common concept during the time. You don't have to have watched those other two movies to develop the concept.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!
