well, lets face it. Sly *WAS* the big name actor of this film, so he was
right by thinking so.
Actors these days are MUCH worse in what they demand , and yes, even
script rewritings, most of which you never hear of. I think its safe
to say everyone knows Sly was not schooled in the soccer goins, rules or
how the game was played, and even if he did request more of a hero role
in the game in the movie, so what.
I find it much worse, that someone like Tom Cruise demands that his caterer
by x, y, or z, and that he have a full time chauffeur, nanny, cook, etc
etc etc on location provided by the studio at all times..
I can name 20 of todays actors that way.
Im no Sly fan, but in his defense, he did not only act in the HUGE
blockbuster Rocky just before Victory came out, he wrote it too.
So he does have skills. Like them or not.