Caan's acting and the beautiful longslide 1911......although Michael mann is one of my favorite directors and I'm looking Forward to his next film and we have in common being gun enthusiasts i had a hard time watching this was extremely boring until the very end and even the positive aspects were messed up: the squibs/gunshot wounds looked extremely fake and the amount of blood was almost ridiculous-nothing wrong with fictional violence,but this looked 60s style....and the editing looked more than just amateurish(when Leo is talking to frank after barry was blasted and when Leo takes the final bullet) I really regret having bought this ,besides the DvD was non anamorphis despite what the product description said It's been more than 2 years since i remember having watched a film that boring and I neither take any joy in saying this nor am i trolling if you like it ok ,but it provided almost nothing good for me and I will sell this again
The only thing worse than a film the average loser that tries to act like one!!!
there's a slight difference between expressing your opinion as somebody(which i just did) and acting as if your opinion would represent anything at all and dictating to others they should regard it exactly the way you do btw:its one of the very few cases (actually the second) where i wrote a little about a flick i did NOT enjoy and furthermore: I did not get paid for this
The only thing worse than a film the average loser that tries to act like one!!!
I do agree that the non-anamorphic DVD looks atrocious; perhaps you would take another look at the film in a few months via the recent Criterion blu-ray, which by all accounts is a thing of beauty.
The thing about Thief is texture. Mann is a real stickler for authenticity and (for my money) this film is where that obsessiveness provides the biggest payoff.
Look, say, at the scene in which Caan meets with the fence to sell the diamonds. The efficient way that they communicate, the language that they use (or even the way Caan avoids contractions and speaks in a hyper-deliberate way so as not to be misunderstood), the look of the fence (with something vaguely "sex offender" about him) -- not to go all "arts degree BS", but it all contributes to a tangible verisimilitude.
For me, the final twenty minutes of the film wouldn't be nearly as powerful if the preceding hour and a half didn't spend so much time and effort establishing Frank's world.
And how can someone not love watching Caan in this role? He's just terrific. Not to mention the score or the moody wet-streets-and-neon photography. And the entire supporting cast, with particular kudos for the late, great Robert Prosky.
I've been working my way through Richard Stark's Parker books lately, and while the character of Parker is a few degrees removed from Caan's Frank, they share an "all business" approach to their profession that one can't help but admire just a little. Who hasn't been annoyed at some point by the interference of the personal into the realm of the professional?
"I am self-employed; I am doing fine," says Frank. We believe him, even if the man he's talking to doesn't quite get the idea that Frank (like Parker) doesn't say anything that he doesn't have to. This man thinks Frank is just like him -- "reasonable", which Frank knows is just a euphemism for a man who's forced to live with compromise. For Frank, a deal's a deal, and he's got the skills and the moxie to see it through.
So live up to your end or face the natural consequences, regardless of what posh neighbourhood you happen to live in or how many legitimate business fronts you have.
very well written and interpreted , although i got a weakness for 80s style i really had a hard time watching it....i know it sucks reading so's negative opinion to a movie you like ,but its unfortunately the way it is like i wrote before:its absolutely ok if one enjoys it-i just didnt thats all we got the same opinion to Quantum of solace ,though
The only thing worse than a film the average loser that tries to act like one!!!
I also found it dull when I first saw it and fell asleep but then I've rewatched it so many times and now its one of my favourite movies. I really like the neo-noir setting and the music.